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User: amanda_dcosta rss

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About: Amanda is an author, poet, botanist, entrepreneur and management professional. She holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Botany, a Master’s Diploma in Hospital Management and a Post Graduate Certificate in Project Management. Her work experience of 16 years spans across the Hotel, Hospital and Retail Industries including working for a Pest Control firm for over a year. Alongside this, Amanda has been writing on the internet for many years, building up her career as a content writer. On February 29, 2012, Amanda launched her online content publishing company: Mandy’s Pages. During the years 2010-2011, Amanda worked for ABC-Clio, Publishers of Academic Books, California, to co-author the book 'Encyclopedia of Cultivated Plants’. This book is to be released in 2013.
Homepage: (CEO & Editor-in-chief)
Location: I live in a Middle East desert - where scorching, mid-day sun's heat can be felt even at 3 a.m. in the morning and the tap water is scalding hot throughout the day.
Referrer: None listed
Date Joined: 3-Dec-05/8:53 AM
Last Active: 13-May-13/10:28 AM
Last Login: 13-May-13/9:57 AM (see ips by user)
Last poems posted:
Jesus wept23-Apr-11/5:09 AM
Song of Creation22-Apr-11/2:13 PM
Just hold me20-Apr-11/11:41 PM

User can post new poetry.
Voting history:
(see votes)
Free verse 204 7.24
Haiku 7 6.29
Lyric 13 7.69
Limerick 3 6.67
Ode 3 7.00
Concrete 2 8.00
Other 14 7.00
Sonnet 6 8.50
Villanelle 2 9.50
Sestina 1 4.00
Acrostic 2 5.50
Triolet 2 8.00
Terza Rima 1 10.00
Prose Poem 7 6.86
Senryu 1 10.00
Comment history:
(see comments)
Free verse 513
Haiku 29
Lyric 40
Limerick 2
Ode 3
Concrete 4
Other 55
Sonnet 15
Villanelle 8
Sestina 1
Acrostic 2
Triolet 2
Ghazal 1
Glosa 4
Terza Rima 2
Prose Poem 24
Senryu 1
(see favorites)
User has 6 favorite(s).

title style avg;# last
# last
Jesus wept Villanelle 5.09;4 23-Apr-20 (8) 6299 23-Apr-20 5
Song of Creation Villanelle 5.12;2 12-Aug-11 (7) 5967 27-Apr-11 3
Just hold me Sonnet 5.09;1 12-Aug-11 (7) 6172 N/A 0
Wish I was there... Free verse 5.09;1 13-Feb-11 (7) 6162 13-Feb-11 1
Freedom Villanelle 4.96;3 05-Jul-11 (3) 8605 05-Jul-11 3
Best friends Sonnet 5.06;4 06-Jun-11 (1) 6734 13-Feb-11 3
Holy Spirit - A Tanka Poem Haiku 5.08;3 25-Jan-11 (5) 6412 16-Sep-10 3
Brutus / Uterus: Make Up Your Mind! Free verse 5.00;1 29-Apr-10 (5) 8147 N/A 0
My Thoughts Free verse 5.09;2 24-Jan-10 (6) 6149 24-Jan-10 6
S.O.S. Free verse 4.86;1 29-Jul-08 (2) 10422 29-Jul-08 1
Sunset Beach Free verse 5.07;5 02-Dec-07 (7) 6611 02-Dec-07 17
My Soul Cries Out Free verse 5.13;8 13-Nov-07 (6) 5541 23-May-07 18
She dreams Free verse 5.73;7 08-Feb-07 (10) 1863 18-May-07 10
Dovina & Co Free verse 4.82;4 15-Jan-07 (0) 10870 11-Nov-06 9
You Free verse 5.27;8 16-Apr-07 (7) 3817 16-Apr-07 8
Prayer Free verse 5.09;4 15-Jan-07 (0) 6363 19-Jul-07 18
To Talitha Free verse 5.19;5 15-Jan-07 (0) 4673 04-Sep-06 12
I'm Learning To Drive Free verse 5.19;5 15-Jan-07 (0) 4731 24-Jul-06 27
Joshua And Ruth Free verse 5.15;4 15-Jan-07 (0) 5309 10-Jul-06 7
Goliath Free verse 5.77;8 15-Jan-07 (0) 1751 05-Jul-06 13
A Little War Victim Free verse 5.67;6 15-Jan-07 (0) 2045 30-Jun-06 20
My secret to life Free verse 5.69;7 15-Jan-07 (0) 1967 26-Jun-06 15
Blessings Free verse 5.00;5 15-Jan-07 (0) 7693 22-Jun-06 36
Won’t Somebody Be My Friend Prose Poem 4.98;5 15-Jan-07 (0) 8342 13-Jun-06 12
Goa Prose Poem 5.15;4 15-Jan-07 (0) 5303 23-May-06 11
A Snap Shot Free verse 5.14;5 15-Jan-07 (0) 5397 17-May-06 16
To Brittany Free verse 5.59;11 15-Jan-07 (0) 2328 21-Jun-06 31
Good old days Free verse 5.40;6 15-Jan-07 (0) 3160 26-Apr-06 11
These Past Sixteen Months Free verse 5.15;7 15-Jan-07 (0) 5203 06-Apr-06 10
Because You Love Me Lyric 5.68;11 15-Jan-07 (0) 1997 04-Apr-06 15
My Prayer Free verse 5.10;5 15-Jan-07 (0) 6139 10-Sep-06 23
Mango Pickle Free verse 5.27;7 15-Jan-07 (0) 3849 17-Mar-06 11
An Interview With King David Prose Poem 5.42;7 15-Jan-07 (0) 3058 19-Jul-06 24
To drnick Free verse 5.26;5 15-Jan-07 (0) 3986 20-Feb-06 34
A Midnight Call Free verse 5.58;6 15-Jan-07 (0) 2360 15-Feb-06 25
I'm there Other 5.50;7 15-Jan-07 (0) 2737 05-Feb-06 10
Nomads Haiku 5.17;5 15-Jan-07 (0) 5006 06-Jun-06 30
For such is a child’s heart Free verse 5.19;5 15-Jan-07 (0) 4712 02-Feb-06 9
Our Marriage Free verse 4.94;4 15-Jan-07 (0) 9084 31-Jan-06 10
A Book's Plight Free verse 5.49;6 15-Jan-07 (0) 2800 27-Jan-06 11
A Schizophrenic Free verse 5.36;6 15-Jan-07 (0) 3324 06-Jun-06 44
A tribute to our most precious Pearl Free verse 5.26;5 15-Jan-07 (0) 3969 22-Jan-06 17
A Haiku Haiku 4.76;3 15-Jan-07 (0) 11679 17-Jan-06 8
A New Year Prayer Other 5.05;5 15-Jan-07 (0) 6893 10-Jan-06 18
Romans 8:28 Lyric 5.54;7 15-Jan-07 (0) 2545 05-Jan-06 111
My kids Free verse 5.49;6 06-Nov-10 (10) 2771 20-Dec-05 17
I love to see the sunrise Free verse 5.38;7 15-Jan-07 (0) 3240 19-Dec-05 9
CHRISTMAS EVERYDAY Other 5.20;8 20-Nov-12 (9) 4542 26-Dec-05 34
The Third Fall Of Jesus Other 5.32;11 15-Jan-07 (0) 3508 21-Jun-06 26
Jesus, you I see Free verse 4.90;8 15-Jan-07 (0) 9893 21-Jun-06 14
FIVE LOAVES AND TWO FISH Free verse 4.87;6 15-Jan-07 (0) 10356 07-Dec-05 8
Through the channel Free verse 5.12;5 15-Jan-07 (0) 5719 14-Dec-05 8
5.22;281 23-Apr-20 5350.06 23-Apr-20 842

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