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My Thoughts (Free verse) by amanda_dcosta
Sometimes I feel I know too much about the habits and mannerisms of man not worrying why he does what he does. Is it some inner motive or intention that gets him doing the impossible or is from an impulsive reaction to what he possibly feels. I do not know and still wonder.

Up the ladder: Rain
Down the ladder: To my Moneta

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Arithmetic Mean: 7.0
Weighted score: 5.094852
Overall Rank: 6151
Posted: March 8, 2009 12:09 AM PST; Last modified: March 9, 2009 10:36 PM PDT
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[0] Blindpoetry @ | 9-Mar-09/4:46 AM | Reply
you either know or you don't know.
[1] nentwined @ | 9-Mar-09/11:20 AM | Reply
I really don't get what you're trying to convey here. Ditto Blindpoetry, really. Do you know too much or too little? Or if that's the basis of your conundrum, help me realize that better.

Comes off as pretentious and empty.
[n/a] amanda_dcosta @ > nentwined | 9-Mar-09/10:34 PM | Reply
Blindpoetry / nentwined - :-) Thanks for the comments. valuable. Would like to point out though that this is what our thoughts are about most often. We try to sort things out, we wonder why somethings happen, especially when we cannot find a reasonable explanation. Its like - is it this , or is it that. It is not necessary to have come to an answer at that moment, but this verse is an expression of 'wondering'. Just the very act of thinking !
[8] Lifeboatman @ > amanda_dcosta | 10-Mar-09/7:02 PM | Reply
[6] half.italian @ | 24-Jan-10/8:55 PM | Reply
Do you choose to breath?
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