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User: Y2kSlamPoet rss

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About: Y2k Slam Poet
Location: In the ghetto with Jack smokin high-grade crack.
Referrer: God
Date Joined: 28-Aug-03/3:30 PM
Last Active: 30-Dec-17/8:21 AM
Last Login: 30-Dec-17/8:19 AM (see ips by user)
Last poems posted:
Drunken Pulsars13-Apr-15/4:07 PM
An Ode to Teenage Pimple Poets.5-Jul-11/1:33 PM
Smelly Scum Child.30-Jul-08/7:43 AM

User can post new poetry.
Voting history:
(see votes)
Free verse 51 6.61
Haiku 4 8.25
Lyric 3 5.67
Limerick 3 9.33
Ode 1 9.00
Concrete 1 8.00
Other 6 3.00
Sonnet 2 5.50
Villanelle 2 1.50
Terza Rima 1 6.00
Comment history:
(see comments)
Free verse 101
Haiku 8
Lyric 2
Limerick 5
Ode 1
Concrete 1
Other 26
Sonnet 5
Villanelle 5
Prose Poem 2
(see favorites)
User has 0 favorite(s).

title style avg;# last
# last
Drunken Pulsars Free verse 5.09;1 23-Apr-15 (7) 6178 N/A 0
An Ode to Teenage Pimple Poets. Ode 5.24;3 25-Sep-11 (9) 4138 25-Sep-11 2
Smelly Scum Child. Free verse 5.42;7 03-Dec-09 (0) 3057 04-Sep-08 17
Proctor, the patient must be beaten. Free verse 5.08;3 14-Nov-08 (0) 6451 31-Jul-07 3
Goldmunds Slut Fiasco v.2 [Revised] Lyric 4.83;2 16-Jan-07 (0) 10746 02-Aug-07 4
Nybbas' Lamentation Free verse 5.04;3 05-Jun-05 (0) 7174 27-Jan-05 3
Sugared petrol isn't sweet if your ass is black & blue. Other 5.00;3 05-Jun-05 (0) 7979 11-Jul-04 6
The curse of language and other scattered thoughts Other 4.82;4 05-Jun-05 (0) 10888 10-Jun-04 14
The birdboy that was (Icarus) Free verse 4.93;2 05-Jun-05 (0) 9204 16-Feb-04 9
A Cacodemon's Sermon [Revised Edition] Free verse 4.95;2 05-Jun-05 (0) 8859 12-Feb-04 2
If you have a god complex buy a mustang! Free verse 4.94;4 05-Jun-05 (0) 9095 15-Feb-04 9
Sporadic Schizophrenia? Definately. Free verse 4.82;4 05-Jun-05 (0) 10887 28-Nov-03 1
I told Mr. Haiku that actions speak louder than words Haiku 4.86;5 05-Jun-05 (0) 10477 26-Nov-03 2
Mecca was mud in my backyard Free verse 5.30;4 05-Jun-05 (0) 3713 24-Nov-03 4
Gen. Rockman & his dirt encrusted clicker brigade Free verse 5.00;6 05-Jun-05 (0) 7625 15-Nov-03 8
Phonecall from zombies on Uranus Free verse 4.94;4 05-Jun-05 (0) 9080 18-Dec-03 4
DO NOT TOUCH!! This is my mega funny-joint! Free verse 4.84;3 05-Jun-05 (0) 10711 08-Nov-03 7
IM THE MASTER OF PARODY Free verse 4.69;6 05-Jun-05 (0) 12096 29-Oct-03 3
EarthWaterAir - Hey! Look! IM MR FIRE! Other 4.90;5 05-Jun-05 (0) 9831 01-Feb-04 20
The Secret Jungle Keys Free verse 4.97;4 05-Jun-05 (0) 8447 29-Oct-03 4
Whispering (Zero Atmosphere) Free verse 5.13;8 05-Jun-05 (0) 5531 08-Nov-03 5
Timmy Christ didn't like Dr. Seuss Free verse 4.88;7 05-Jun-05 (0) 9932 09-Oct-03 12
Joe-Joe's Retard Trinity Remix (There can be only one) Free verse 5.23;7 05-Jun-05 (0) 4229 09-Oct-03 7
Horus's Musical Instrument of Torment Other 5.21;5 05-Jun-05 (0) 4354 09-Oct-03 15
Anti-Rhymer [translation included] Free verse 5.07;5 05-Jun-05 (0) 6559 20-Jan-04 3
Spider Meth Adventure Free verse 4.96;7 05-Jun-05 (0) 8529 20-Sep-03 11
Shakespearean Sonnets & Poets Free verse 4.98;5 05-Jun-05 (0) 8336 21-Sep-03 10
The Uraeus (title by horus) Free verse 5.09;4 05-Jun-05 (0) 6270 20-Sep-03 3
A Cacodemon's Sermon: Message to a Eudemon Free verse 5.40;6 05-Jun-05 (0) 3131 01-Sep-03 4
Sparrow (Title Suggestions Wanted) Free verse 5.21;5 05-Jun-05 (0) 4348 N/A 0
Detective vs Doctor (The Explaination) Other 4.67;5 05-Jun-05 (0) 12246 01-Sep-03 4
Lie2Me: Sexual Frustration Free verse 4.87;6 05-Jun-05 (0) 10349 29-Aug-03 5
5.01;145 23-Apr-15 7826.56 25-Sep-11 201

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