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20 most recent comments by Y2kSlamPoet
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Re: EarthWaterAir - Hey! Look! IM MR FIRE! by Y2kSlamPoet 27-Oct-03/8:17 PM
And ive written this purely because i got nothing better to do, and im always doing this kind of charity "help the retarded" thing.. who knows, maybe one day it might actually help someone.. pfft.
regarding some deleted poem... 27-Oct-03/10:52 PM
uh.. ok, you lost me in the middle here, and its never good when the reader is led to mumble:

"what the fuck is he rambling about now?"

this hasnt cooked enough. go back to the oven and do it right. no vote.
Re: DO NOT TOUCH!! This is my mega funny-joint! by Y2kSlamPoet 8-Nov-03/9:34 PM
busta rhyme.. lalala lalala do ma megajazz- i got freddy kruger playin the banjo, that nigga know how to flow.

(SD starts scratching the record untill the player cracks- electrifying freddy, killing him.. then Don took the bro's razor glove and when we gave him the -thats fucked- look he shouted "DOOD THIS SHITS MINE, FUCK YOU PEOPLE")
regarding some deleted poem... 8-Nov-03/9:39 PM
the ending retranslated "dont make me feel like im stupid"

Bravo though, are we gonna have this become the poemranker anthem or what?
Re: Leg humping is back on the menu by Jeremi B. Handrinos 9-Nov-03/2:07 AM
Quite disturbing.. they dont ask for anything else with that? How much do you get paid for that? lol.

regarding some deleted poem... 15-Nov-03/2:51 AM
you really loaded up on this "dood, look! im shakespeare in the 21rst century" act.

it sounds all good and highmighty- shakes is turnin in his coffin with jealousy and shit: but its fuckin padding, that cramps whatever the hell your trien to say.

in short, DA's favorite word: pretentious.
(note to self: take 200 showers)

plus this goose-swan + zeus-nemesis? what the fuck? how the hell do they relate? *huston, is he sayin all that to sound amazing?* but honestly: bullshit.

sound of god.. yeah, but i didnt intermix birds and greek gods- lookin to steal a kiss from NEMESIS? of all the damn girlie gods, your trien to smooch her?

Talk about a fucked ending from the start.

dont take my lil rant here too bad- im just being down right honest- its not just because shakeman isn't on my goodside either.
Re: Islands Of Our King by Caducus 23-Nov-03/5:01 AM
gods castle? I prefer my own mental temple. Nice poem- got war on your mind? Blessed with eight.
Re: The curse of language and other scattered thoughts by Y2kSlamPoet 7-Jun-04/7:55 PM
Behold, my new rant of extremely bloated porportions!!!
Re: Carl Jung And the Flying Spiders by horus8 7-Jun-04/8:02 PM
Re: Nybbas' Lamentation by Y2kSlamPoet 26-Jan-05/7:38 AM
The weeping mumbles of he who is stricken with writers block...
Re: Smelly Scum Child. by Y2kSlamPoet 30-Jul-08/7:45 AM
You know, I don't even fucking remember writing this shit... or anything else that happened that night. Well I guess that explains why I never did heroin again after that first time... fucking Portland that shithole.
Re: Lost Love by Jessina 5-Jul-11/1:35 PM
Re: True Love by Jessina 5-Jul-11/1:49 PM
True love has nothing to do with tired and uninformed cliches. True love is like getting beat in the face and coming back for more. True love is beauty that compels one closer despite ones revulsion. True love is wiping your better half's ass without hesitation. True love is sacrificing your own happiness to ensure theirs-- and if they love you back they won't allow you to sacrifice your happiness: True love is sharing each others misery and being unhappy together. True love is to cherish the bits of him/her which others find to be disgusting. True love is making your lover suffer for their own good.

True love is a topic you are not equipped to discuss. Your "true love" has more to do with what makes you feel good. It encapsulates the essence of Hedonistic Selfishness.
Re: David & Derrick by TheModestKing 5-Jul-11/1:51 PM
This poem is weak.
Re: Joseph by TheModestKing 5-Jul-11/1:53 PM
Re: bifurcation by A. Nomaly 5-Jul-11/1:59 PM
Split the forehead and expose the soul.
Re: Freedom by amanda_dcosta 5-Jul-11/2:52 PM
Try Harder.
Re: Some of us by daniella 13-Apr-15/4:01 PM
I'll give you a ten if you can condense this into a haiku. :P
Re: Among The Stars by ARTIE 13-Apr-15/4:06 PM
My heart speaks not.
It pulses with pulsars
while drinkin' at the bar
Goes cold while I'm hot
'n encourages me
to take another shot
till the last thing I see
is the blasted stars.
Re: Psilocybin, and the Tale of a Happy Stoner by ARTIE 13-Apr-15/4:24 PM
pulchritudinous? Wordy. Get rid of it. There's other aspects too that could use polish, and the more I think of it, the less worthy of a nine this is. The title though? SPECTACULAR@!

Just don't get all sour on my seven, aye?

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