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20 most recent comments by Y2kSlamPoet and replies
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Re: Psilocybin, and the Tale of a Happy Stoner by ARTIE 13-Apr-15/4:24 PM
pulchritudinous? Wordy. Get rid of it. There's other aspects too that could use polish, and the more I think of it, the less worthy of a nine this is. The title though? SPECTACULAR@!

Just don't get all sour on my seven, aye?
Re: Among The Stars by ARTIE 13-Apr-15/4:06 PM
My heart speaks not.
It pulses with pulsars
while drinkin' at the bar
Goes cold while I'm hot
'n encourages me
to take another shot
till the last thing I see
is the blasted stars.
Re: a comment on Some of us by daniella 13-Apr-15/4:02 PM
In hell drinkin' with the devil babe, that's where.
Re: Some of us by daniella 13-Apr-15/4:01 PM
I'll give you a ten if you can condense this into a haiku. :P
Re: a comment on A mag that PAYS??? by SupremeDreamer 13-Apr-15/3:59 PM
When people call me selfish for drinking alone, it usually is because they have an interest in DRINKING MY SHIT FOR FREE. :) Oh, and being bloody irritating afterwards... before hand they're all hugs an kisses. -cue middle finger-
Re: a comment on Hobo. by SupremeDreamer 13-Apr-15/3:47 PM
Lately? Where the hell have you been? This bit of squabblin' that we're engaged in is a direct result of one my recent comments on a poem of yours. PERIOD. Let us at least admit that artie, 'cause seriously?- your full of shit. Should I now pander twards your approval, because I have "fallen from grace lately"? Think that really matters bud? IT DOESN'T. By god, I've worn the orange wings of shame at one time. But when you decide to excrete shit, by god, I'm gonna call it shit. Aight? YOU FEEL ME BRO?
Re: Freedom by amanda_dcosta 5-Jul-11/2:52 PM
Try Harder.
Re: bifurcation by A. Nomaly 5-Jul-11/1:59 PM
Split the forehead and expose the soul.
Re: Joseph by TheModestKing 5-Jul-11/1:53 PM
Re: David & Derrick by TheModestKing 5-Jul-11/1:51 PM
This poem is weak.
Re: True Love by Jessina 5-Jul-11/1:49 PM
True love has nothing to do with tired and uninformed cliches. True love is like getting beat in the face and coming back for more. True love is beauty that compels one closer despite ones revulsion. True love is wiping your better half's ass without hesitation. True love is sacrificing your own happiness to ensure theirs-- and if they love you back they won't allow you to sacrifice your happiness: True love is sharing each others misery and being unhappy together. True love is to cherish the bits of him/her which others find to be disgusting. True love is making your lover suffer for their own good.

True love is a topic you are not equipped to discuss. Your "true love" has more to do with what makes you feel good. It encapsulates the essence of Hedonistic Selfishness.
Re: Lost Love by Jessina 5-Jul-11/1:35 PM
Re: a comment on Smelly Scum Child. by Y2kSlamPoet 30-Jul-08/9:41 AM
Oh and thank you for the tens... though since they come from you and your twin, their value is quite empty. But non-the-less it ups my over-all average!
Re: a comment on Smelly Scum Child. by Y2kSlamPoet 30-Jul-08/9:37 AM
Er, actually no, it correctly described me at that point in time. I'm happy to say that that is no longer the case.

Thats right! I'm no longer homeless and I am, yes, surprisingly enough, employed. Also though not exactly completely comfortable financially, I am no longer straight broke.

Sorry to have burst your happy little bubble there TJ. Toodles you queer dolt!
Re: a comment on Smelly Scum Child. by Y2kSlamPoet 30-Jul-08/9:02 AM
Well your homosexuality and disturbing yearning for my butt-hole has indeed been quite openly expressed. I'm sure now that you really wish you had sodomized me in this fantasy park of yours. All that aside, you, you silly lil faggot, have NOT won, I am sorry (No, joyous) to say. Unless coming out of the closet and expressing your burning desire to be gay love partners with me was your aim, which then in that case, yes Oh scary queer boy, you have horridly succeeded. Oh, and thanks for providing me with potent ammunition, it makes my job alot easier. Toodles you silly faggot!
Re: a comment on Smelly Scum Child. by Y2kSlamPoet 30-Jul-08/8:59 AM
Well your homosexuality and disturbing yearning for my butt-hole has indeed been quite openly expressed. I'm sure now that you really wish you had sodomized me in this fantasy park of yours. All that aside, you, you silly lil faggot, have NOT won, I am sorry (No, joyous) to say. Unless coming out of the closet and expressing your burning desire to be gay love partners with me was your aim, which then in that case, yes Oh scary queer boy, you have horridly succeeded.

Oh, and thanks for providing me with potent ammunition, it makes my job alot easier.

Toodles you silly faggot!
Re: a comment on Soulless Circle by Tyler J. Mancini 30-Jul-08/8:08 AM
Wow, your skill at being opportunistic only reinforces the fact that you're horridly unoriginal and possess the character qualities of a tantalized vulture. But, on the brighter side, you got a minor vote score adjustment that says you barely made par. Toodles dipshit!
Re: Smelly Scum Child. by Y2kSlamPoet 30-Jul-08/7:45 AM
You know, I don't even fucking remember writing this shit... or anything else that happened that night. Well I guess that explains why I never did heroin again after that first time... fucking Portland that shithole.
Re: Nybbas' Lamentation by Y2kSlamPoet 26-Jan-05/7:38 AM
The weeping mumbles of he who is stricken with writers block...
Re: a comment on Distance by wilco 8-Jul-04/12:30 PM
Not sure, you had me confused with your explainative take on my opinion. I had originally thought that he'd take it with a grain of salt really.

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