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20 most recent comments by Mr Pig (again) and replies
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Re: for sue (20030815) by nentwined 16-Aug-03/1:42 AM
Id there a liasion on this site I should know about?

One wishes to join.
Re: I'll be your Gimp by GAY AS FU*K 1-Jul-03/12:59 PM
What an utterly repugnant and pathetic attempt to force your sexuality on us. May I respectfully suggest that you refrain from boring us all with your drivel and bugger off somewhere else. I have no problem with nancy boys but militant homosexuals are another thing now please for the sake of this reputable site leave forthwith.

Your scoundrelizing this great site.
Re: A Promise by Elvish Jade 26-Jun-03/1:41 PM
Not bad my boy but one cannot help mourning the use of 'beautiful' , you should only use this word as an introduction or crescendo or else overusing it makes it a tad cliched.

Maybe if I just pull it
against my wrist
without pressing down
the urge will go away

The stanza above is your strongest.

Thank you for obliging me with your effort.

My vote: 6

Good day Sir
Re: I fucked my sister (2 She's pregnant!) by <{Baba^Yaga}> 26-Jun-03/1:37 PM
I too have just been shafted at the craft market for what i thought were a set of Royal Gloucester china tea cups, alas they are made in Madagasgar.

Re: Oh mother, thou art stoned! by <{Baba^Yaga}> 19-Jun-03/3:38 PM
I'm drunk as a wasp.
Re: The Contract (2nd draft) by scitz 17-Jun-03/11:07 AM
Shorten my boy and end it at the line of the politician. You are spending far too much time on the loo and I do hope you have learned to put the seat down now. 8
Re: The Bastard Earth by Kitch 17-Jun-03/11:05 AM
Some parts were quite the shot game, it will come my boy, it will come. 7
Re: a comment on Death Of Day ( re-edit) by Mr Pig 11-Jun-03/3:29 PM
Dear Robert

It was this you composed so majestically that I love.

Waves fold on the beach
Sand clings to the old dead man
Filling his wrinkles

Its timeless.
Re: a comment on Death Of Day ( re-edit) by Mr Pig 10-Jun-03/12:23 PM
Yes I know I boobed Robert, I can do the 5-7-5 but these thoughts sometimes appear in the middle of the night and you know I write them down because I like them but your right, its not quite the baked Alaska is it?

I am sorry, would you believe one of my Haikus was inspired by you? I can tell which one did if you like.

Your friend

Re: Thracian mountains until the Sea by Shardik 6-Jun-03/9:23 AM
Everyone must see Thrace and its mountains, its interesting as Thrace has connotations with Bacchus and this site has a Bachus. I hope people read AND study this poem its quite a unique poem identifying with heritage and a yearning for reason of who we are and of the affect of our origins and chosen home lands.

From A Website on Thrace and its history and I must say absolutely fascinating.

Threcian scenery ranges from picturesque mountain villages to crystal clean sandy beaches -- that have all been awarded with the EEC flag -- and lakes with ducks and swans in them. It is said that in Thrace, every step is a journey and visitors realize that since the first time they put their foot on this really Great Land.

My dear boy this deserves to be read. 9
Re: a comment on A Moment In Nowhere by Mr Pig 6-Jun-03/9:05 AM
I think your title idea is superior and wish to inform you I have changed it to 'How we meant to leave it' in my personal Boa skin portfolio. Excellent title I thank you.
Re: a comment on A Moment In Nowhere by Mr Pig 6-Jun-03/9:03 AM
Oh richa I fear she would have laughed in my face.
Re: a comment on A Moment In Nowhere by Mr Pig 6-Jun-03/9:01 AM
How kind of you. Your a good boy to Mr Pig and mucho gracias
Re: Mens Cocks Have No Style by spank me baby yeah 21-Apr-03/12:25 PM
Bloody vulgar you have no shame you scoundrel.
Re: Lost and found by INTRANSIT 21-Apr-03/12:19 PM
Wonderful conclusion, it reminded me of the finale of the Shawshank Redemption, did you watch it my dear boy?
Re: My Blues by thepinkbunnyofdoom 21-Apr-03/12:17 PM
When I read this I thought my oh my this damsel seems lost between a loyalty to the rhyme scheme and the narrative. My dear experiment with both avoiding each for each poem e.g write a poem purely on rhyme or story not both. You are eager and an aspiring writer with potential but focus is all you need, then really go for the subject matter with your best literary gusto. 6
Re: To My Grave by Bonehiss 14-Apr-03/12:54 AM
Are you Caducus? you write quite similar. Liked this my boy good show.
Re: No Easy Way To Be Free by Bonehiss 14-Apr-03/12:52 AM
I enjoyed reading this stylised poem but my interest somewhat waned as its far far too long. You write passionately, one can see that but it felt like an endurance test.
Re: All the things i hate by Mutant_X 12-Apr-03/1:39 PM
My dear chap lose this, its just not dandy.
i hate it that every time i need you,you are not there
only you can make it right
but it's only who always starts the fight
i hate the way i love you
and that to myself i can't even be true

Try this as a lyric, make it effective, show your vitriol and keep us all engaged.

Hope you dont mind but I will vote later when you maybe have edited it.

Cheerio for now.
Re: Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome by Stephen Robins 12-Apr-03/1:35 PM
Frightfully apt, reminds me of Horus8 poem on the Ebola virus. Good chap for keeping it short but effective, unpretentious and attention grabbing 7

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