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20 most recent comments by abecedarian (81-100) and replies

Re: whilst the bells ring by richa 15-Aug-03/8:16 AM
actually got chills at the last two lines... must be worth a 10
Re: on your birthday by peaceseeker 13-Aug-03/10:56 PM
Certainly better than blue-mountain, but not quite the chorus to Henry V:

"O, pardon! since a crooked figure may
Attest in little place a million;
And let us, ciphers to this great accompt,
On your imaginary forces work."
Re: a comment on Pina Colada Belle by Don-Quixote 10-Aug-03/3:27 AM
still an apology of sorts but no amount of logic can defend against 'toke my snake'.
Re: a comment on Lord of the Swines by <{Baba^Yaga}> 10-Aug-03/2:25 AM
What, no snicker about lamiacious?
Re: a comment on I, Ann Boleyn by http://mulberryfairy 10-Aug-03/2:19 AM
So we have a triumvirate? How would you describe yourself?
Re: a comment on Yellow Cake for Everyone by Retaliate 10-Aug-03/2:11 AM
Maybe karma's a corn dog deep fat fried.
Re: a comment on 1967 Ford Carmine Jalopy by SupremeDreamer 10-Aug-03/2:06 AM
you know supreme (can I call you that?)
of course I can , because as I've said... I'm drunk

Horus said something to me recently .. um er.. to Retaliate recently that his Mentor (the capital was conspicuos) apparently told him:

(and this has caused me to think about the subject dammit)

"You've strung together some nice words" was the phrase.

Is it possible that increasing one's vocabulary actually decreases one's effectiveness as a poet?

Or maybe that's just the homebrew speakin'

(As a fellow LA dweller I appreciate the humour, but I'm going to find you and burn your car to a briquette so that you can claim insurance and the environment can sleep better)
Re: Musings: Willow Sculpture by SupremeDreamer 10-Aug-03/1:45 AM
(I'm currently drunk so take my words at that).

I really like the idea behind this poem, so humor me supreme. I think the use of 'stooped' in the first stanza is not a strong enough descriptor. I also think that the second stanza (the double use of leaves in particular) actually cheapens the sentiment behind what you are getting at.

We can all only wish that our poems weather like stone: lasting a mortal eternity, yet yielding to the wisdom of of those who tread after.
Re: a comment on Sagadahoc to Hudson by http://mulberryfairy 10-Aug-03/1:33 AM
Except for the being stranded part. That was pretty tragic. Or was it?
Re: Inet. mag. editors R jealous red haired Jews, oh and I'm 29 by horus8 7-Aug-03/10:53 AM
Re: a comment on Angel by abecedarian 7-Aug-03/12:17 AM
I'm amazed at the strength of polarity here. Is your (mulberry and horus/s/..) distaste for angels purely the way I've presented angels, is it a reaction to their general overuse in unskilled 'poetry', or is it a defiance to their religious connection, or is it a genuine wierding?
Re: a comment on Angel by abecedarian 7-Aug-03/12:11 AM
The interesting thing about angels is that almost everyone has very strong feelings about them (good or bad or strange) regardless of religious interpretation. You appear to have an unbendable vision yourself of what they look like.

One of the things that intrigued me about this dream was to finally discover that my subconscious picture of an angel massively tied to my anima. I certainly would not something simultaneously pure and sexual a light read.

But to be humble, my eyes and mind are better than my tongue.
Re: a comment on Angel by abecedarian 6-Aug-03/5:49 PM
s'okay mulberry, y'know... his condition and all
Re: DJ Bling Bling spins authenticity by Jeremi B. Handrinos 29-Jul-03/4:27 PM
DJ Jeremi spins irony. Huddie Ledbetter rolls in his grave.
Re: Octopussed by <{Baba^Yaga}> 28-Jul-03/6:44 PM
I've seen several animals get the axe recently: a roach, a fox, and now an octopus. Fry them all up, I say, and lets have one last giant barbeque.
Re: Lord of the Swines by <{Baba^Yaga}> 28-Jul-03/6:29 PM
This thing about put me in a legoleptic fit, so it certainly is a good thing that I am lamiacious, and therefore not affected by such afflictions. Certainly this is better than some of the the lalochezia that usually occurs here.
Re: 8:45 AM Dentist Appointment by http://mulberryfairy 25-Jul-03/10:00 AM
You lied to your dentist!?

If you can't trust your friendly caring and sensitive dentist, who can you trust? Certainly not us!
Re: Ode to a Fox Cub by http://mulberryfairy 25-Jul-03/9:42 AM
I know exactly how you feel. I was worried about exploring your poem too thoroughly when I found it lying here. An unhappy and overly visible grave for a poem like this.
Re: Voluptuous, Blonde Bird-Woman by http://mulberryfairy 24-Jul-03/9:27 AM
Tales from the front?
Re: Phone Support: To Lee by http://mulberryfairy 24-Jul-03/9:24 AM
They say that people who serve together in wartime form a bond closer than most people ever feel. You would do anything for your brother (sister).

Interesting twist that it wasn't a war that created the bond. Maybe rape is as tough as war.

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