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20 most recent comments by abecedarian (61-80) and replies

Re: Some Things by Christof 2-Sep-03/1:46 AM
Re: a comment on True Respect (A Distant Adoration) by abecedarian 2-Sep-03/12:44 AM
Re: a comment on Part I: The Peach by http://mulberryfairy 1-Sep-03/9:50 PM
subtle catch <~>
Re: Ashes to Ashes by Irischer Junge 1-Sep-03/5:23 PM
Spelling, please.

I myself am agnostic but I'm not going to trash you just because you believe in some religion.

What I will say is that (on this site at least) you should expect to be ridiculed. This ridicule will occur for three reasons: your style is abecedarian, you do not check your spelling, and your thoughts will be considered naive or at least unoriginal.

If you are trying to perfect the 'praise'.
That is to say if your real intent is to bring glory to some ideal you have, you are really going to have to work harder.

You can't just say majesty, you have to make people feel it. It honestly makes me wonder whether you believe in god less than I do.
Re: a comment on Broken by Irischer Junge 1-Sep-03/5:13 PM
Sort of, but not in a linear way. It actually depends on cumulative penile length, believe it or not.

(Which explains why when I pray for a larger penis it does not work)

- Don't get offended Jagermeister (is it possible that this comment was intended to prevent something unpleasant from happening to you?)
Re: a comment on True Respect (A Distant Adoration) by abecedarian 1-Sep-03/11:44 AM
thank you
Re: a comment on True Respect (A Distant Adoration) by abecedarian 1-Sep-03/10:37 AM
Of course you'll change your mind about it (unless you don't).
Re: Peach (Revision) by http://mulberryfairy 1-Sep-03/10:08 AM
The end of this poem is really nice: how the narrator's self-conscious claim of remoreselessness actual reveals guilt (if not about secreting away the peach, then certainly about not feeling guilty about stealing away the peach).
Re: goofy poem to prove I'm not morbid (Ode to an Onion) by greym0on 1-Sep-03/9:48 AM
40 quid on onion any day of the week.
Re: a comment on True Respect (A Distant Adoration) by abecedarian 1-Sep-03/9:39 AM
I've thought a bit recently about being 'fickle':

Is it possible that the flowing costume of fleeting feelings is perhaps hung about a solid and well conceived stand that requires redecoration?
Re: a comment on The Better of the Sea by abecedarian 26-Aug-03/4:43 PM
Re: a comment on The Better of the Sea by abecedarian 26-Aug-03/4:38 PM
Thank you.
Re: a comment on The Better of the Sea by abecedarian 24-Aug-03/10:22 PM
Re: a comment on The Better of the Sea by abecedarian 24-Aug-03/9:46 PM
hmm yeah I thought about the rusting ass.
I decided that I like that phrase, but it needed something....
Ah yes! St. Osmund's testicles! That's exactly what it needed!
Re: a comment on The Better of the Sea by abecedarian 24-Aug-03/9:44 PM
at least you had excitement :)
Re: a comment on The Better of the Sea by abecedarian 24-Aug-03/9:42 PM
Well the ending didn't deserve to die, I just stripped it of its rank and title. Absolutely right about the word choices, though.
My chainsaw was dull, I'll try not to let it happen again.
Re: a comment on The Better of the Sea by abecedarian 24-Aug-03/9:41 PM
- How the context of situtations affects our perception of them.
(Noxious diesel fumes vs./ being stranded)
(Getting dropped on your ass vs./ being bored)

-How humour often arises under odd circumstances
-And a small preachy bit about how situtations are mostly what we make of them.
Re: a comment on The Better of the Sea by abecedarian 24-Aug-03/9:27 PM
good call
Re: A look at Horus8 by Sir.Psycho.Sexy 15-Aug-03/5:31 PM
Apparently someone turned off the roast and added a direct flame. (washes hands and walks away)
Re: The truth about our friend Horus by Sir.Psycho.Sexy 15-Aug-03/5:30 PM
Apparently someone turned off the roast and added a direct flame. (washes hands and walks away)

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