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Ashes to Ashes (Lyric) by Irischer Junge
Ashes to ashes, Dust to dust. Nobody likes to die, But sooner or later we must. Look at our Lord, Our Savior, Jesus. He died on the cross, So He could save us. Have a strong faith, And do good deeds. Then when you die, You'll see that the path still leads Up into Heaven, Through purgatory. And once you're there, You'll see God's full majesty.

Up the ladder: I'm Pissed
Down the ladder: Friends

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Arithmetic Mean: 1.4
Weighted score: 4.5708694
Overall Rank: 12608
Posted: September 1, 2003 1:52 PM PDT; Last modified: September 2, 2003 1:19 PM PDT
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[n/a] Irischer Junge @ | 1-Sep-03/1:52 PM | Reply
This poem was written Fall 2001.
[8] electroman1979 @ | 1-Sep-03/4:07 PM | Reply
i like your poem, but should we aim for purgatory? if we do we surely won't make it, aim for Heaven, i give it an 8 though, better than i can write
[n/a] sliver @ > electroman1979 | 8-Sep-03/7:45 PM | Reply
Come on Electro, your first attempt made the top 20. Considering all the pagans on this site SHEEEEIT.
[n/a] abecedarian @ | 1-Sep-03/5:23 PM | Reply
Spelling, please.

I myself am agnostic but I'm not going to trash you just because you believe in some religion.

What I will say is that (on this site at least) you should expect to be ridiculed. This ridicule will occur for three reasons: your style is abecedarian, you do not check your spelling, and your thoughts will be considered naive or at least unoriginal.

If you are trying to perfect the 'praise'.
That is to say if your real intent is to bring glory to some ideal you have, you are really going to have to work harder.

You can't just say majesty, you have to make people feel it. It honestly makes me wonder whether you believe in god less than I do.
[n/a] Shardik @ | 1-Sep-03/6:03 PM | Reply
Fuck god and fuck you, no really, I'm kidding I write poetry like this a lot when I feel, SATAN is working against me or through me like in the summer of sixty poo when I was alone and depressed. that's when I found heaven was the backseat of ford granada with a heater called 'windows'.
[n/a] -=Dark_Angel=-, P.I. @ | 1-Sep-03/6:36 PM | Reply
The Waiting Room (Free Verse) by -=Dark_Angel=-

Hello evil muslim
Come in and take a seat
Enjoy a cup of coffee
Relax; put up your feet
I'll just bring up your file
To see if thou art just;
You don't believe in Jesus!?
But the Bible says you must!
You shan't be going to Heaven
Instead you'll rot in Hell
As a vile non-believer
We'll break your wicked spell!
You'll never taste the splendour
Of a Pure and Perfect Place
Instead you'll watch your entrails
Landing splat upon your face
You won't be very happy
When we jump on your best friend
Or make you drive that scooter
Down a road that has no end
We'll open up your diary
And insert a scrambled egg
Then we'll make you give a sermon
With it trickling down your leg
And just in from Head Office
Our request has been approved!
To have your nostrils fisted
And your bollocks both removed
I hope you'll learn your lesson
As well as have a lovely stay
Then maybe next time you will listen
To what the Bible has to say.
[3] Y2kSlamPoet @ > -=Dark_Angel=-, P.I. | 1-Sep-03/7:06 PM | Reply
Cute. Are you going to recite that with pride at the your good Church, your suit freshly pressed and your diaper changed?
[0] J.B. Manning @ > -=Dark_Angel=-, P.I. | 5-Sep-03/3:40 PM | Reply
Dark you can go sit on this poem man. Or maybe you and your chrissy bitches are out burning more innocent people and calling them witches. Too busy to admit that what you really enjoy is a good book shuved up your ASS!
[n/a] -=Dark_Angel=-, P.I. @ > J.B. Manning | 5-Sep-03/4:52 PM | Reply
[3] Y2kSlamPoet @ | 1-Sep-03/7:09 PM | Reply
Ashes to ashes,
Dust to dust.

when these first two lines appear, i get annoyed, because its simply starting out with one hell of an overused phrase.. this just, makes me feel like puking on it.

[n/a] Irischer Junge @ | 1-Sep-03/7:30 PM | Reply
I write what I write because that's what I write. I don't care what the heck the rest of you think. However, I'd like to know where the heck abecederian thinks my spelling is incorrect.
[n/a] -=Dark_Angel=-, P.I. @ > Irischer Junge | 1-Sep-03/7:42 PM | Reply
Change "your" to "you're".
[n/a] Irischer Junge @ > -=Dark_Angel=-, P.I. | 2-Sep-03/1:20 PM | Reply
Thanks for pointing that out. I fixed it.
[n/a] Bachus @ > Irischer Junge | 2-Sep-03/2:50 PM | Reply
ha Ha ha. Spelling is the least of your worries. This poem makes hallmark look imaginative.
[n/a] SupremeDreamer @ > Irischer Junge | 3-Sep-03/4:17 AM | Reply
Dark-Angel Quote:

"If you really do not care what anyone thinks about your poem, then why have you posted it on a website where people rate poetry?"

yeah, iris. WHY? i say it when im just avoiding things or just answering in a need to chirp. You seem dead serious. tsk. that doesnt look good, really man. ;)
[5] <~> @ | 1-Sep-03/7:43 PM | Reply
what if i'm jewish?

am i invalid?
[0] J.B. Manning @ | 2-Sep-03/4:31 PM | Reply
This poem sucked. Both context and quality. Bleh.
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