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Ashes to Ashes (Lyric) by Irischer Junge

Ashes to ashes, Dust to dust. Nobody likes to die, But sooner or later we must. Look at our Lord, Our Savior, Jesus. He died on the cross, So He could save us. Have a strong faith, And do good deeds. Then when you die, You'll see that the path still leads Up into Heaven, Through purgatory. And once you're there, You'll see God's full majesty.

-=Dark_Angel=-, P.I. 1-Sep-03/6:36 PM
The Waiting Room (Free Verse) by -=Dark_Angel=-

Hello evil muslim
Come in and take a seat
Enjoy a cup of coffee
Relax; put up your feet
I'll just bring up your file
To see if thou art just;
You don't believe in Jesus!?
But the Bible says you must!
You shan't be going to Heaven
Instead you'll rot in Hell
As a vile non-believer
We'll break your wicked spell!
You'll never taste the splendour
Of a Pure and Perfect Place
Instead you'll watch your entrails
Landing splat upon your face
You won't be very happy
When we jump on your best friend
Or make you drive that scooter
Down a road that has no end
We'll open up your diary
And insert a scrambled egg
Then we'll make you give a sermon
With it trickling down your leg
And just in from Head Office
Our request has been approved!
To have your nostrils fisted
And your bollocks both removed
I hope you'll learn your lesson
As well as have a lovely stay
Then maybe next time you will listen
To what the Bible has to say.

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