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20 most recent comments by abecedarian (101-120) and replies

Re: a comment on Freeform (No votes yet) 0 comments by abecedarian 2-Jul-03/5:45 PM
One of us has the wrong impression of what my name means :)
Re: a comment on The Wonderful Creators by abecedarian 2-Jul-03/5:35 PM
Oh Bachus, you inspire me
(see Poem Ranker please, I wish you wouldt)
Re: a comment on haunting by abecedarian 2-Jul-03/5:32 PM
unless I do my typing at 'work' (I do haunt that place occassionally, too)
Re: Good prevails by DeadtotheWorld 1-Jul-03/3:06 PM
This poemmy poem poem would actually make a nice 2-10 minute animation if done right.

I like 'winged rats for as they seem'. Very old school construction (old like Will Shakey, not like Run DMC)
Re: Watching My Childhood Vanish by Caducus 1-Jul-03/3:01 PM
I had a friend who once a year burned everything that made him sentimental. I never asked him if he burned his spit pies. Do they burn?

(must be a nice collection of memories)
Re: Quisling & white wine by horus8 1-Jul-03/2:46 PM
An old woman sits on a park bench watching people pass by. She smiles as she watches a young skinhead walk by with his radio blaring some heavy metal song:
(It's "The song of choice" coopted by the fascist, or so Peggy Seeger tells me)
Re: Para Sa Aking Sinta by NewbieMe 1-Jul-03/2:31 PM
How am I to place you in a nice neatly numbered category if I don't know what you are saying?

We need Tagalog for Dummies!
(at every sunrise we must all use a dictionary)

Oh well, points for speaking a language that I can't translate well enough to criticize you.

Re: The Forest Child by forestchild7 18-Jul-02/9:44 PM
Abecedarian award
(an unsolicited award for poems receiving undeserved low scores)
Re: If We Must Die by kidz 18-Jul-02/9:37 PM
oh please, worth more than a four at least
Re: Death's Cold Eyes by forestchild7 11-Jul-02/8:28 PM
Hy do I feel like you've just read a bunch of poetry by John Donne? :)

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