Suicide of the Ego (Free verse) by Drifting Shadow
Every day of the life you have walked,
Has lead you to this step of steps,
To step into the abyss,
The abyss of nothing.
It looks dark in there,
It looks light out here,
but it is as it is,
and it is the same.
For the years of fear and pain,
Hanging on by your fingernails,
Thinking, wanting, tryingâ¦
To die.
When all along you knew you couldnât.
Who would of thought?
That now you have seen your worth,
Now you have seen your potential,
And you have decided to live,
That the only way to do that is death,
Not for your body,
Kill your ego,
See nothing,
But truly see it.
Be nobody,
And grow again what did not wither.
You fear what you will see,
When you step into the abyss.
You fear what you will see,
When you step out of the abyss.
But that fear has been outgrown,
By the fear of the world you created.
Votes: (green: user, blue: anonymous)
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1 | 2 |
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2 | 0 |
Arithmetic Mean: 5.8333335
Weighted score: 5.2241178
Overall Rank: 4306
Posted: May 26, 2004 3:05 AM PDT; Last modified: May 26, 2004 3:05 AM PDT
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