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A prayer about Jesus Lyric 1.83;28 13640 Sing4Jesus!
The Christian Soldier Free verse 1.87;29 13639 Sing4Jesus!
Let's Grovel For Jesus And Fight The Naughty Satan! Free verse 1.94;30 13638 Sing4Jesus!
The Christian Submariner Ode 2.01;27 13637 Sing4Jesus!
Grab Out For J. Christ! Free verse 2.25;26 13636 Sing4Jesus!
Shuushin the multi-personality total cunt Free verse 2.29;28 13635 mr cunt
turd cutter Limerick 2.35;23 13634 Count Flatula
Suck it up for God Free verse 2.38;25 13633 Engelbert Humpalot
Two More Cunts Who Are One Cunt Free verse 2.46;39 13632 mr cunt
Toe Jam Poem by EDNA Lyric 2.49;27 13631 Edna Sweetlove
Edna's Christmas Farewell Free verse 2.52;20 13630 Edna Sweetlove
May Sinners Rot In Fucking Hell! Free verse 2.53;34 13629 Sing4Jesus!
Jesus Lyric 2.54;28 13628 Sing4Jesus!
The Willy Poem Concrete 2.62;31 13627 Engelbert Humpalot
Israel (Through The Eyes Of One Jewish Soul) Lyric 2.74;30 13626 slana5
Israel (Through The Eyes Of One Jewish Soul) Lyric 2.97;34 13625 slana5
Ode to necrophilia Free verse 3.08;72 13624 Bobjim
Ambition Lyric 3.14;19 13623 slana5
AIDS in a van Limerick 3.15;240 13622 -=Dark_Angel=-, P.I.
Kittens and Pocket Money Free verse 3.26;110 13621 Shuushin

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