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Toe Jam Poem by EDNA (Lyric) by Edna Sweetlove
If you look between your toes You'll get more goodies than from your nose For the biggies you have to wait For a very extra special date; Don't wash your feet for a few days And then check: you'll be amazed To find what is lurking there: Twixt-toe treats beyond compare For your gustatory delectation And culinary contemplation. Such joy for tongue and tummy Yummy! Yummy! Yummy! Shove those toe-jelly bits in your ugly gob - Nearly as good as a fucking first-rate blow-job.

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10  .. 14
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.. 910

Arithmetic Mean: 2.4814816
Weighted score: 2.4877088
Overall Rank: 13631
Posted: September 9, 2006 4:28 PM PDT; Last modified: September 9, 2006 4:28 PM PDT
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[n/a] Edna Sweetlove @ | 9-Sep-06/4:30 PM | Reply
This is total crap. I must be out of it. 0/10. Come on folks, help make it the worst poem here - I know there's a lot of competition but try and help me!
[n/a] Ulterius @ | 10-Sep-06/6:37 AM | Reply
In order to fulfil your wish, Edna, I am happy to oblige. What a piece of trash. :)
[0] Engelbert Humpalot @ | 13-Sep-06/6:04 PM | Reply
[0] Sing4Jesus! @ | 13-Oct-06/3:51 PM | Reply
God will make you suffer for this
[0] Hostileintent @ | 14-Oct-06/5:05 AM | Reply
total crap
[n/a] deleted user @ | 5-Nov-06/12:56 PM | Reply
ummm, did you see my poem, more suck than blow?? ummm, never mind...if i get a straw, i can do a juice extraction number, and save all the crusty bits for later.

now then tell me bout budapest!

[0] deleted user @ | 16-Jan-07/6:02 PM | Reply
Fabby bad - you are good even when bad
963 view(s)

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