May Sinners Rot In Fucking Hell! (Free verse) by Sing4Jesus!
O sweet Lord Jesu how I love only Thee
Hanging, nailed up and dying in agony,
Dying on the Old Rugged Cross in old Israel
On that little old Jew green hill far away;
And yet I know that Thou liveth and wilt return,
And that then Thou, O Mighty Great Christ,
Thou wilt SMASH and PULP sinners and mockers
Into a million worthless pieces in RAPTURE,
With a gnashing of teeth and much hideous WAILING
And everyone who is not BORN AGAIN will grovel,
Begging for mercy on that wondrous Judgement Day!
But mercy there will be none, oh definitely no;
Jesus Christ will take REVENGE and will institute
An unending aeon of agony and torture for the wicked;
But I do not fear that glorious day, for I am born again
And I shall be sitting at Thy table, revelling
In really tasty things to eat, like wine and roses
And huge amounts of nectar and apple pie.
Hallelujah! Bring on the tumbrels to cart off sinners
And load them into the furnaces of fiery Hell
Where Satan can give them a damned good roasting
For all eternity while the saved have a great time!
Votes: (green: user, blue: anonymous)
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1 | 5 |
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1 | 0 |
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1 | 4 |
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7 | 13 |
Arithmetic Mean: 2.5294118
Weighted score: 2.5302403
Overall Rank: 13633
Posted: October 1, 2006 6:39 PM PDT; Last modified: October 1, 2006 6:39 PM PDT
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