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Kittens and Pocket Money (Free verse) by Shuushin
It’s hard to tell what people want anymore, harder to tell what I want, really. There are the obvious things, yes: threesomes and chocolate, kittens and pocket money. A license to kill. To be understood; verstanden, capito, compris – yet to do so without changing the message, that would be nice.

Up the ladder: Blah Blah
Down the ladder: AIDS in a van

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Votes: (green: user, blue: anonymous)
10  .. 197
.. 50
.. 40
.. 10
.. 00
.. 00
.. 10
.. 10
.. 11
.. 22
.. 363

Arithmetic Mean: 3.2636364
Weighted score: 3.2636364
Overall Rank: 13621
Posted: October 5, 2003 7:10 PM PDT; Last modified: October 5, 2003 7:10 PM PDT
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[9] Dan garcia-Black @ | 1-Dec-03/9:03 PM | Reply
Angst-nog topped with a dash of nice. A great desert poem. Good work!
[9] sonawrote @ | 26-Jan-04/8:22 PM | Reply
made me crack a smile I must admit
[n/a] Shuushin @ > sonawrote | 27-Jan-04/4:04 AM | Reply
Thank you - glad for that!
[10] Schrodinger's Cat @ | 21-Feb-04/7:45 PM | Reply
Everyone thinks wrote it...Outstanding
[1] Edna Sweetlove @ | 18-Jun-06/5:43 PM | Reply
Garbage. But semi-intelligent garbage. I shall be generous and score it 1/10.
[9] lmp @ | 26-Jun-07/5:05 PM | Reply
i can picture a certain droll, intelligent character on a certain TV show speaking this.

it also resonates, i think, with many, if not all, people. nicely done.

[10] Christof @ | 27-Jun-07/6:17 AM | Reply
For once I can agree with Rockmage. It's probably what everyone on this site, in fact everyone everywhere, really wants and you have put it beautifully.
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