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Ode to necrophilia (Free verse) by Bobjim
Some people like to screw older people But that is not my scene Some people like granny porn (mmmm.....granny) sorry, where was I? Um, anyway. Lets just skip to the grand finale! Necrophilia is good Necrophilia is great I like a piece of mouldy meat In my....ass? (one day I should learn to give a shit...)

Up the ladder: Ambition

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10  .. 48
.. 02
.. 04
.. 11
.. 00
.. 12
.. 10
.. 40
.. 12
.. 01
.. 1624

Arithmetic Mean: 3.0833333
Weighted score: 3.0833333
Overall Rank: 13624
Posted: February 21, 2003 4:25 PM PST; Last modified: February 21, 2003 4:25 PM PST
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[n/a] Nanshe @ | 24-Feb-03/9:34 PM | Reply
Wouldn't that lead to coprophilia?
[0] razorgrin @ | 25-Feb-03/1:41 PM | Reply
bah. my necrophilia poems were much better. so were all the ones I wrote about unusual anal stimulation. bah again.
[0] Ranger @ | 5-Apr-03/9:05 AM | Reply
Not nearly enough zeros. At all. Here's one more for your count, though, young Bobby J.
[3] nentwined @ | 14-Dec-05/6:07 PM | Reply
last line's pretty funny.
[0] Sisterwolf @ | 28-Dec-05/11:05 AM | Reply
I think you are relying on shock value to carry
your write. The lines "sorry, where was I", and "uh, anyway" really disturb the flow. Granny grinding and
necrophelia are disturbing concepts that need to be offered with much more seriousness and devotion to art.
[10] Glasseyez @ | 9-Feb-06/9:09 PM | Reply
Are you a vegetarian?
[n/a] Bobjim @ > Glasseyez | 16-Feb-06/12:34 PM | Reply
How dare you!
[0] terbenaw @ > Bobjim | 9-Mar-06/3:01 AM | Reply
I think you are... veggie burger anyone?
[0] Ranger @ > terbenaw | 9-Mar-06/4:03 AM | Reply
No! I gave up veggie burgers for Lent!
[0] terbenaw @ | 25-Feb-06/1:24 AM | Reply
Are you trying to make the worst poem I've read? If so, you've succeeded. Besides the fact that the poem is sickening in its message, its design is shaky and crappy... I think I'm gonna go puke now.
[n/a] Bobjim @ > terbenaw | 25-Feb-06/5:30 AM | Reply
Why thank you. That's just what I was aiming for.
[0] terbenaw @ > Bobjim | 9-Mar-06/3:01 AM | Reply
You need to seek professional help...
[0] Fayt @ > terbenaw | 10-Mar-06/10:20 AM | Reply
[3] deleted user @ | 10-Jun-06/4:31 AM | Reply
Bad bad bad
[n/a] Edna Sweetlove @ | 18-Jun-06/5:46 PM | Reply
Have I read this before? Probably. In someone else's obituary perhaps!
[10] creepshow @ | 21-Aug-06/6:01 PM | Reply
Any form of necrophilia is good and pleasant and beautiful..The odors...ah, so noxious it is vibrantly erotic, kissing blue pale lips, cold and hard...anyways, great stuff, but this is just bare bones...You need more MEAT, and substance (potatoes) suggestion is this: go into the graveyard at night, and just sit there for a while, inhale the air, poke around, let the dead give you mental stimulation...then come back and tell us all about your exploits about necrophilia...God bless you, 666!
[7] deleted user @ | 12-Mar-07/11:49 AM | Reply
boring.old hat.make way for the new shit bu SHUUSIT!
[10] conny lingers @ 0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1 | 23-Jan-23/9:39 AM | Reply
Quite nice
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