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Israel (Through The Eyes Of One Jewish Soul) (Lyric) by slana5
ISRAEL, Eternal land where I am whole, Refuge to my lonely soul, Its one true home- No need to wander, no need to roam. Sprouting from the dust, Against all reason Your truth stands high, Your pride is just Through all time and season. ISRAEL, Miracles like raindrops evolving from your glory, Water tubes placed carefully throughout each crevice of your story. Permeating your earth with irrigation, Pouring forth rejuvenation, Transforming death into jubilation, They circulate life throughout our nation. And counting every tribulation, You record the sound of every Jewish life, Echoing each joy, painting all its strife. ISRAEL. Witness in our endless struggle to salvage our existence, Calling us to daily rise in dignified resistance, And withstand all evil’s insidious persistence. Rejoicing in our faith, And weeping with our sorrows, Teaching us to bravely face all of our tomorrows. From your greatest mountaintops to every blade of grass. To your oldest cities with rich and ancient pasts. From your vastest desserts to your Wailing Wall Where the proudest man can tremble at LOVE’S forgiving call. From the joyous music that rings throughout your streets, To your squares and gardens where each generation meets, And from your tropic palm trees To every sun-drenched shore. GOD’S eternal presence vibrates through my core, And renders me in awe ISRAEL. And as I greet the future today, I may not see roses crowning your way, But I do see a beauty that is hard to convey. I see one candle that is burning so strong, It will melt our silence into fervent song. The song that we’ve carried for thousands of years, The song that rose out from our wars and our tears. Out of the ashes where the world was so dark This candle ignited our song with one spark. Each word that we followed returned us to you, And now this song will carry US through. Carry us forth from the NIGHT that we knew. ISRAEL. Through destruction and chaos JERUSALEM still stands, So in prayer and dance we now must join hands, And in a triumphant kaleidoscope, Sing in one voice our great song of hope. Hope loud enough to light our world like the sun, Of all your beauty this hope is the sum, This HOPE is the cry of Jerusalem. Water tubes spread carefully throughout each crevice of your story. Water tubes placed carefully in every crevice of your story. Of all your virtues this hope is the sum.

Down the ladder: The Willy Poem

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10  .. 24
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.. 119

Arithmetic Mean: 2.7333333
Weighted score: 2.7353983
Overall Rank: 13630
Posted: April 15, 2003 8:40 PM PDT; Last modified: April 15, 2003 8:40 PM PDT
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[0] asimpleman @ | 16-Apr-03/8:56 AM | Reply
Yup.....hilarious stuff....tho u could have made it more amusing by putting in that crap bout the PROMISED LAND......hahahaha...but what i find even more funny is how stone throwing kid whose lands are occupied by people outta nowhere are labelled as fanatics....hahaha..guess Hitler's attributes rubbed off on some..really something to be proud of and i agree bout the just part
[0] razorgrin @ | 16-Apr-03/12:29 PM | Reply
Well, the poem is unremarkable and Zionism makes me sick. I add to the pile of zeros my vote.
[0] Edna Sweetlove @ | 17-Oct-06/7:01 AM | Reply
This poem has been posted twice. This copy is just as applalling as the first posting.


Israel is a rogue usurping state, hated by all except the Americans.
[0] Engelbert Humpalot @ | 19-Oct-06/5:51 PM | Reply
Staggeringly repulsive load of old garbage!
[0] Sing4Jesus! @ | 23-Oct-06/2:54 AM | Reply
Very amusing. I assume you are a Zionist. Jesus was killed by you lot.
[0] deleted user @ | 16-Jan-07/5:50 PM | Reply
Nasty Jew Filth.
[n/a] Christof @ | 29-Jan-07/8:30 AM | Reply
The problems with this could all be sorted out by substituting the word 'ISRAEL' with the word 'NEWPORT PAGNELL'.
[0] mr cunt @ | 2-Mar-07/6:04 PM | Reply
Fascist Yid rubbish. Israel should be wiped off the face of the earth.
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