Re: Stroke It! by Skamper |
7-Nov-07/5:00 PM |
extra points for shameless name-dropping ;)
Re: Behind closed offices by lukehanney |
7-Nov-07/5:02 PM |
unashamedly light fare. it's a hallmark moment.
Re: Why I took my ears off by INTRANSIT |
7-Nov-07/5:06 PM |
great crack about the ethics homework. are you sure you want to keep the prose-poem format though? it makes much of this piece difficult to parse.
regarding some deleted poem... |
7-Nov-07/5:41 PM |
what is your native language?
regarding some deleted poem... |
27-May-08/8:29 PM |
great political poem, i really have nothing negative to say about the poem itself, very lyrical and memorable, from the seagulls to the seeds to the chosen people. i disagree completely with the premise, however. There are many, many, many arab countries, and only one Israel. The great irony is that the two sides in conflict have much more in common with each other than with any of the outside forces, both arab and western, all of whom want to manipulate the situation for their own gain, not to help the innocents caught in the middle.
Re: sculpture by ThePariahDog |
7-Mar-10/6:54 PM |
Re: Prospects by http://mulberryfairy |
16-Sep-10/12:54 AM |
very personal free-verse. in general i liked it. the third segment seems kind-of unnecessary, at least as its own distinct unit. if not, i would reverse the order of II and III. the end of III and beginning of II have an obvious connection, and "why are you here?" is a much better ending place.
Re: IN THE OUTPOST OF WORDS by daggatolar |
16-Sep-10/12:57 AM |
i don't mind the language - clever enough - but the emotional content i find a bit dry. maybe that's the whole point, but i'm not really feeling it.
Re: Chasing Droplets by dinah |
16-Sep-10/1:04 AM |
i like the overall sentiment. this feels like it hasn't been edited yet. write it however you like, but i would write it:
I am cursed. I give
yet receive nothing.
I gave everything.
Now I'm stuck, sitting
on the dead orchid petals
you keep watering
for the illusion of life.
I desire freedom.
give me back
my body.
Re: Holy Spirit - A Tanka Poem by amanda_dcosta |
16-Sep-10/1:07 AM |
i like the form, and the last line. the rest, however, needs work in my view. the adjectives are standard.
Re: Poemranker is Back! by Dovina |
16-Sep-10/1:08 AM |
simple, elegant, i like it! ;)
Re: puppy love by Freethinker1602 |
16-Sep-10/1:09 AM |
Re: tree in a flood by Skamper |
12-Feb-11/10:22 PM |
it's got a good skeleton but it's a bit flabby. one verb is worth ten adjectives and adverbs. this is how i read it:
"i feel your caresses, blown, sending tingles with rivulets. i awake, intensify, bend, stretch, accommodate. i am peaking, fulfilled. you're rushing. i am satisfied, saturated. your hunger magnifies, breaking pieces, caresses and kisses, lashings and torrents. you are raging, i am subdued, swayings and rustlings, thrashings, anchored. i give. i am.
Re: Mornings by alvinb |
12-Feb-11/10:27 PM |
there's a bit of ambivalence about the topic. if this is not about suicide, it may be more interesting than it initially appears.
Re: Self-Inflicted Wounds by wilco |
12-Feb-11/10:32 PM |
a lot of religious images here. is there something more personal to your own experience that would add meaning?
Re: Thanks by Dan garcia-Black |
12-Feb-11/11:01 PM |
Re: My Brain by T. Jonathron Remp |
12-Feb-11/11:06 PM |
interesting! if you start with circus of circuits and remove "of slime. everlasting," it'd be a damnfine haiku.
Re: That man looks so familiar by A. Nomaly |
12-Feb-11/11:12 PM |
very sensory, i like it. first line is a bit incongruent with the rest, and so is the middle line. what effect were you going for?
Re: (untitled) by A. Nomaly |
12-Feb-11/11:19 PM |
the tone and voice are polished. i like this even better than the other one. i may be mistaken but i think you meant either latched or leashed rather than lashed. otherwise top notch.
Re: Freedom by amanda_dcosta |
12-Feb-11/11:27 PM |
i like a lot of this, but there are a few blips that i think don't work. "held tight in grip" is clunky, you can word it a bit better. "despair" sounds cliche. disrepair? roadside flare? dining room chair? almost anything would be better there than despair. a good effort though, at a difficult form.