Re: God's Angels by _iamtwilight_ |
21-Oct-05/5:54 AM |
Mother is the name for God on the lips and hearts of all children. Your daughter is out there on the streets waiting for you.
Re: plants grow from caskets by skaskowski |
21-Oct-05/5:51 AM |
Why would god make you "brown and bloody, bone exposed", and is there a reason it's only your foot, or does god just hate your foot?
Re: love shall set you free by stacylynn_3 |
21-Oct-05/5:48 AM |
Re: iron coil by Shit-Crumpets |
3-Feb-05/5:57 AM |
I don't think you meant for this to be a great poem, but I'm under the impression it means something speical to you
Re: a comment on Prepropositioned pudding by Jeremi B. Handrinos |
11-Jan-04/8:26 PM |
How about you admit that you just throw a buch of big words together and call it a poem?
Re: a comment on Mermaid by lastobelus |
11-Jan-04/7:55 PM |
I am very sorry my my slur-spiting friend, but the only chain I have is the one on my wallet which has yet to be jerked. The chain is there to prevent the wallet from being stolen, much like your values have been stolen from promises and decrees from a dead god. And it's not 'omigod', it's 'oyourgod'.
Re: The critic by juxtaposition |
11-Jan-04/7:44 PM |
whatever floats your goat dude
Re: a comment on Mermaid by lastobelus |
11-Jan-04/7:37 PM |
DEMOCRATIC anti-christ, republicans are evil. And as long as we are adding useless labels, i guess we could add wicked and addicted middle-fingered, doubble fisted, neurotic drug induced and chemically abused, genderbending freak, brain-dead supersonic fiend, prize winning drag queen...I love the Murderdolls
Re: a comment on Oh mother, thou art stoned! by <{Baba^Yaga}> |
11-Jan-04/7:23 PM |
Re: a comment on Mermaid by lastobelus |
11-Jan-04/7:12 PM |
You need help, get it. Remember that the goverment is here to help
Re: a comment on Cherry Blossoms (anti-haiku) by middenHeap |
11-Jan-04/7:02 PM |
HOLY (and I use the term loosly) FUCK! you called me an anti-christ!!!!! I know I'm not Marilyn Manson, but I'm geting there. I must thank you for the ego-boost of the week. And whats great is I can spew words and write better poetry than you. I'd love to stay and laugh at the words you write but don't understand, but I gotta go cut myself, sing to Satan, and think nasty, unclean thoughts of how I will torture your soul when it gets sent to me in the Underworld
- "Well I'm not a slave, to a god, that doesn't exist
Marilyn Manson, the Godfather of Goth "the fight song"
Re: Mermaid by lastobelus |
11-Jan-04/6:49 PM |
it's awsome writing, but a little long-winded
Re: Prepropositioned pudding by Jeremi B. Handrinos |
11-Jan-04/6:38 PM |
fucked up, like poems should be, this is a little too off for me
Re: To the Storm - A Final Prayer by Satine |
11-Jan-04/6:36 PM |
This is very strong poetry which not many people are capable of
Re: Erosion by shwenatjadeflower |
10-Jan-04/6:15 PM |
Re: it's slow time by silvertongueddevil |
10-Jan-04/6:14 PM |
Re: Malaysia by Crakyamuni |
10-Jan-04/6:08 PM |
that made little-to-no sense to my eyes, great
Re: Tragic Love by WithoutLife |
9-Jan-04/8:10 PM |
tragic love is the only kind of love left in this world, sad but true, but i really liked this poem :)
Re: The Blood by Blindpoetry |
9-Jan-04/8:08 PM |
it's good, but it gets a little repeatitive
Re: My Castle by Cougarchic |
9-Jan-04/8:07 PM |
god, i LOVE poems like this, thanx cougarchic