Re: Fake Happiness by WithoutLife |
9-Jan-04/8:04 PM |
whoever gave a 1 shoulden't be reading poetry
Re: Waiting to live by singinkygal |
9-Jan-04/8:02 PM |
I like how you make death and life seem the same
Re: a comment on Kill me by little_big_nose |
9-Jan-04/7:58 PM |
You're totaly right, it doesn't make too much sense, but I didn't really mean for it to, thats just what was on my mind
Re: Zooidal Veldt by Wulf |
9-Jan-04/7:19 PM |
An awsome read from beginning to end, i woulden't change anything
Re: Happy Birthday by psychedelic |
9-Jan-04/7:18 PM |
not gonna say anything, im just gonna give you a 9
9-Jan-04/7:05 PM |
you have the 3 d's i like in poetry, deep, dark, and depressing, *applause*
Re: Thank You by pnaipoet |
9-Jan-04/7:04 PM |
Holy shit! this is awsome, keep writing like this and you'll be famous some day
Re: another funeral by lexicon |
9-Jan-04/7:01 PM |
Re: ~Witchcraft~ by Lenore |
9-Jan-04/7:01 PM |
easily the best witch poem i have ever read
Re: Final Goodbye by psychedelic |
9-Jan-04/6:58 PM |
i also wish i had the strength, it's hard as hel, just know you aren't alone :)
Re: your quiet complicity by silvertongueddevil |
9-Jan-04/6:56 PM |
my response has become a shuddering possession...deep man it's good
Re: In the Waiting Room by Elizabeth Bishop by Princess_Snowflake |
9-Jan-04/4:25 PM |
Re: Pedophile by Lenore |
9-Jan-04/4:18 PM |
i just hope you know that all people make mistakes, and just cuz they didn't turn out in the end doesn't mean they didn't have a good family
Re: a comment on Die tomorrow by little_big_nose |
8-Jan-04/3:04 PM |
Thanx a lot man, most people just think i'm a sicdial teen...but i'm not. All my poems have a speical meaning, but I'm never gonna act on what i write
Re: The Breedling by Everyone |
7-Jan-04/6:41 PM |
shut up all of you, everyone, you did a good job with this, everybody else, shut up
Re: a comment on Wicked Corruption by devilishnutcase |
7-Jan-04/6:19 PM |
shut the hell up, this is a great's got a message, it's got a tone, it has everything a great poem needs
Re: A Kiss by devilishnutcase |
7-Jan-04/6:15 PM |
pretty good, it's a half-rhyme kinda thing...i like it
Re: What the fuck is a HAIKU anyway? by titan69 |
7-Jan-04/6:11 PM |
this is awsome, i wish i could give it better than a 10
Re: Ghosts I by timfowler |
5-Jan-04/6:31 PM |
you can inturpet this poem in so amny many ways it's great
Re: tullip by christian |
5-Jan-04/6:29 PM |
I'm more of a cat guy, but this is a damn good poem