Re: My Thoughts by amanda_dcosta |
9-Mar-09/4:46 AM |
you either know or you don't know.
Re: Redemption on the mat. by SupremeDreamer |
6-Mar-09/8:07 PM |
Re: a comment on 2am and sober in the digital age by nentwined |
6-Mar-09/5:07 AM |
Re: a comment on prove me wrong by nentwined |
6-Mar-09/5:06 AM |
haha A tale, it does feel like. Not sure I could convey what I'd want to say in a poem. I'm afraid my poetic side has suffered since... my last few poems I've written. lol I really should work on that, shouldn't I?
Re: a comment on 2am and sober in the digital age by nentwined |
6-Mar-09/4:26 AM |
I've thought exactly the same! Pretty often, actually.
And when do websites decide to call it quits? LJ, Myspace? Facebook? Holders of a million and one memories? Photos, journals, friendships?
Re: prove me wrong by nentwined |
6-Mar-09/4:18 AM |
I liked the title, "Prove Me Wrong" lol
I'd love to prove you wrong. One of these days. I'll come back and be all like... well, we'll see. ;)
Actually: I've never had certainty much. And innocence to the world went gone after a few months ago. hm...
I like how it's a list. And every last line goes together. :)
Re: a comment on Fake, Emo and Over Shaven by Blindpoetry |
6-Mar-09/4:10 AM |
ah, okay. xD
Diplome = create, make, go for. Something like that. Did I make that word up? I think I did... haha oh well.
"Diplome yourself to bad luck" was meant to sort of say "you create all the bad things that happen to you and magnify it like it's the worst thing in the world." ... heh Something like that.
The last line was the reason I wrote it. :) Too bad the rest of the poem doesn't match up to it. lol
Re: a comment on Fake, Emo and Over Shaven by Blindpoetry |
6-Mar-09/3:55 AM |
spell check probably didn't work for me at the time. Who knows. I meant soothe.
It's not a pimple because I remember the intention of this poem was to make fun of pimple. "Bleed with red dye" was supposed to say something like most emo kids crazy 'suffering' was their imagination and fake.
Re: for the slaves and the seekers by Bill Z Bub |
1-Mar-09/11:13 PM |
Re: brain cookies by nentwined |
26-Feb-09/9:43 PM |
7-Aug-08/3:45 PM |
Why do you add two poems? Is it because you couldn't wait to hear how awful your stuff is?
"oh but, you know, they're both talking about the same thing. it's really-"
Well just fix the last two rhymes in the first poem. Too much... force. Didn't flow well at all compared to the rest.
The second poem, I find not horrible.
How do you expect to rate this? I'm actually gonna rate this and you put me a predicament. thanks.
Re: Social Studies is for MORANS!! by T. Jonathron Remp |
7-Aug-08/3:37 PM |
Unfortunately, I tried your poetry and not even sea salt helped it's extreme blandness.
Do you plan on being a horrible rapper when you grow up?
Re: Hum by Nepanthe |
7-Aug-08/12:35 PM |
is this the entire thing?
It's good as some kind of saying or whatever. But a poem?? give me more and we'll talk.
7-Aug-08/12:33 PM |
change dull to dim and we'll talk.
Re: A List of Names Worth Listing by SupremeDreamer |
6-Aug-08/11:13 PM |
i got no mention. :( why am i even here? i don't know
Re: a comment on Inspire Me by Blindpoetry |
14-Mar-07/7:06 PM |
Good Lord, your timing is impeccable.
Re: a comment on A Fake Hollywood by Blindpoetry |
14-Mar-07/7:04 PM |
I might have given your comment a thought two years ago.
Re: a comment on Pawn by Blindpoetry |
25-May-06/7:53 AM |
neither is your critisism.
Re: a comment on "Good Bye" by Blindpoetry |
25-May-06/7:52 AM |
Re: a comment on The Cookies by Blindpoetry |
25-May-06/7:51 AM |