Re: a comment on Little Bird by Blindpoetry |
25-May-06/7:51 AM |
If you have nothing worth reading to type, then don't "f*cking" type at all.
Re: disaster in the flesh by Crakyamuni |
23-Dec-05/9:31 AM |
"can you not see the death below us" seemed out of place, Crack Your Money
Re: a comment on Blah Blah by Blindpoetry |
19-Dec-05/3:10 PM |
Your sarcasm is refreshing in this world of blatant pooping.
Re: Returning Home by Niphredil |
18-Dec-05/8:30 AM |
might want to take an adjective or and adverd out of second stanza, line 4 - just so there isn't one line poking out like a sword, or a knife. or some other objects.
i enjoyed it
Re: a comment on Blah Blah by Blindpoetry |
16-Dec-05/9:21 PM |
no, it's blah.
And then something about your mother.
Re: a comment on Blah Blah by Blindpoetry |
16-Dec-05/9:21 PM |
got anything else?
got anything else?? GOT ANYTHING ELSE?!?!
just look at the million other poems I have.
Yeah, that's something else.
Re: a comment on Blah Blah by Blindpoetry |
15-Dec-05/1:41 PM |
Re: a comment on Blah Blah by Blindpoetry |
15-Dec-05/11:55 AM |
Just a little... :-/
I posted this as more of a 'hey I'm alive' deal. Rather than 'omfg new poem'
Re: Abba by oneglove |
13-Nov-05/3:08 PM |
Line 6: 'Withstand the beat of time' seemed out of place to me...
Could you explain how this ends the first stanza?
Re: Close To The Beginning by RawPunkGirl |
13-Nov-05/3:04 PM |
I find it very odd that I see you on multiple websites.
And i'm not even a stalker.
On another note:
Line 3: I think that 'Being dressed in my best...' should be changed. Keep the idea, but change the wording so it doesn't rhyme. Because it sounds horrible.
overall, though, I thought it was ok.
Re: a comment on Headlines by Dovina |
10-Nov-05/7:17 PM |
Yeah, and when someone asks me where I recieved my insanity from, I can point to the bookmark's signature: "By Dovina"
Re: a comment on Headlines by Dovina |
10-Nov-05/7:08 PM |
I'm being repressed!
Re: a comment on Mandarin Trial by cyan9 |
10-Nov-05/7:05 PM |
Fourth stanza looks fine, to me. :)
About the third stanza - it just looks awkward seeing 'I lay' right above and below each other.
Maybe two different words, but both meaning some form of 'lay'?
Re: Headlines by Dovina |
10-Nov-05/7:01 PM |
Your not a part of the media are you?
This is exactly what they are saying.
Re: Mandarin Trial by cyan9 |
9-Nov-05/7:48 PM |
It was nice.
line 6: A[n] irridescent...
third stanza looks out of place with the repeated phrase: I lay back into the sheets...
Re: A Good Man Ruined by Dovina |
17-Jul-05/10:43 PM |
kind[of] like a poet
Re: the smallest box will do by elderking |
14-Jul-05/8:14 AM |
I liked this one.
Except, for being an ignorant 15yroldbrat, what's C.O.D.?
Re: a conversation by crooked_smile |
14-Apr-05/3:24 PM |
Re: I⦠the blank paper of unsaid things by Prince of Void |
14-Apr-05/3:07 PM |
Unless my age deprives me of known knowledge, I thought that this was a very good piece.
Well, unique, anyways.
Re: a comment on trully, madly, deeply by Blindpoetry |
12-Apr-05/12:50 PM |