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20 most recent comments by abecedarian (21-40) and replies

Re: First Snow by http://mulberryfairy 23-Oct-03/11:38 PM
Yeah you like the snow now, but you'll soon have had your fill.

And we of California will be left with our eternal comfort - deprived of the joy of difference.

Maybe after not too long you'll wish you could cart it all out here for all of us to enjoy (until it melts)?
Re: Homecoming by http://mulberryfairy 23-Oct-03/11:31 PM
Pigs, Natty Light, and RJ. Sweet baby Jesus, I'm having a seizures from all the repressed memories you've unleashed!
Re: a comment on My Chocolate F-9 by abecedarian 22-Oct-03/8:49 PM
All true. Your question is a good one worth discussing: is it the stretching of an idea only so large to begin with? Is it laziness? Dunno. I guess that and more depending.
Re: a comment on My Chocolate F-9 by abecedarian 22-Oct-03/8:45 PM
Well you can buy a kit if you want but I've heard that you can't trust the wood in the kits (other people think the kits are fine). Typically the kits come slightly pre-assembled which is good if you don't have much in the way of tools or experience. It is cheaper (and more satisfying I think) to buy the raw parts and do everything yourself (short of casting the metal bits). If you're interested go to . They are a luthier supply company and sell everything one would need.
Re: a comment on Go On a Business Trip by abecedarian 22-Oct-03/3:15 PM
I think your right brain's left ear is more attune to my intent here.
Re: a comment on My Chocolate F-9 by abecedarian 22-Oct-03/11:32 AM
Correct on all points. Although only ~$400 if you make it yourself (assuming one doesn't screw it up).
Re: a comment on My Chocolate F-9 by abecedarian 22-Oct-03/11:31 AM
Good points. There is a machine called a thickness sander. So when one is using it one is 'thickness sanding' although I don't like the name either. True it is 'only' a month, but that month is composed of 'everything' else that must be done for completion of the project. Thank you for the good read.
Re: a comment on My Chocolate F-9 by abecedarian 22-Oct-03/9:41 AM
yes. hmm..(rereads).. you're right. Unfortunately I know the cause but not the cure.
Re: a comment on Evel Knievel's last bananna split    by horus8 21-Oct-03/10:31 PM
Although the phrase 'upside down and tigers' is still ranked number one on the horus greatest hits. I honestly think that line is as wonderful as Frost's "Something there is that doesn't like a wall"
Re: Evel Knievel's last bananna split    by horus8 21-Oct-03/10:27 PM
Poetry is, at its best, a 'golden section' exposed. You're pretty close to winning a bronzed chambered nautilus for this one.
Re: glimpses by nentwined 21-Oct-03/10:15 PM
I like this poem in conjunction with "sitting on a cliff's edge". The fused energy feels similar somehow. Interesting. Like two people watching the same play from different angles.

Re: a comment on Lake Arrowhead by abecedarian 21-Oct-03/9:01 PM
Good points all. The 'cope' was meant in other ways besides the exact synonym of 'trying to deal', though. Thanks for the read.
Re: a comment on Lake Arrowhead by abecedarian 20-Oct-03/10:06 AM
Thank you.
Re: a comment on Lake Arrowhead by abecedarian 20-Oct-03/9:38 AM
Yes, absolutely CA, I just got back from the Lake and (having been there before) was absolutely shocked (horrified)(a little morbidly delighted) to see what I saw.
Re: a comment on Kites, Gunpowder, and a Chair by Geschäftsreise 16-Oct-03/10:31 AM
It's interesting that you would see it as patronizing and racist (I didn't intend it that way). But you're not the only one to think that so there must be something to it.

Have you ever heard of the story about the guy who found a jet engine and strapped it to his El Camino and launched himself into the side of a mesa wall? I used to love telling that story and I always assumed the guy was the same color as I am.

I think this poem is more about how things get started, or to be succint, 'every great idea is ugly in its infancy'. I meant this as such a wide contrast to actually sending someone into space. It is a praise of the taikonauts, not a slam.
Re: a comment on salt and celibacy by calliope 14-Oct-03/8:12 PM
I do not know this shoeshiner person, but I find myself in the odd position of agreeing (several times recently). Strange.
Re: Turncoat by poetandknowit 14-Oct-03/12:03 AM
Something fierce. And the single rhyme in this - fate/wait - well played, that bit.

(I must confess to be ignorant of the background - saudi arabia? egypt?)
Re: Therapy by http://bandgeek 10-Oct-03/2:45 PM
Therapist or orchidess?

(...three more inches of flattop to rock my world harder... funny)
Re: a comment on Orchidess by abecedarian 7-Oct-03/10:49 AM
How true - catasetums are short and stocky. Strange that I would characterize them as I have. Another apparent inconsistency (and interesting fact) is that catasetums have both male and female flowers, and it is only the male flower that has the ability to rocket its pollen sack (up to eight feet away from the plant!). Why 'Orchidess' then?
Re: Who are the best poets on poemranker? (A list by me) by Jeremi B. Handrinos 4-Oct-03/2:13 PM

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