Re: high school tragedy number six by FreeFormFixation |
15-Dec-03/12:35 PM |
Re: Rebel Spirits by miraclemaker |
15-Dec-03/12:25 PM |
"fuck the pimps in striphouses
entrapping and stealing free
souls desperate to profit on
the exhibition of sexuality." This one's a bit off.
I believe there's more here at work than what you've given us, but the rest are tight. Here's a 9.
Re: Me, myself and I. by darby pyn |
15-Dec-03/12:23 PM |
That's lesson 1. Second grades over there --->
Re: The ballad of woosie by rosiebailey |
15-Dec-03/12:13 PM |
Re: a comment on Monday night football, Tueasday? War. by Jeremi B. Handrinos |
15-Dec-03/12:09 PM |
I never said it was okay. You are not aware enough to see the truth. You are just going through your instinctual emotions, that's cool, but I don't think horus8 was picking sides here at all. He was exposing a filter for what it was, a filter. Whether it's the news, videogame, propaganda, flyers, food from heaven, as long as it disturbs you? It will beat you every time, so don't let it.
Re: ?? by timvick473662003 |
3-Dec-03/6:31 PM |
A brave thought timmy. A brave thought indeed.
Re: life in general by timvick473662003 |
3-Dec-03/6:30 PM |
God wants you to make a lemming and sink you constipated bowl of godsoaked goat pellets.
Re: Junky Dreaming by J.B. Manning |
3-Dec-03/6:27 PM |
Re: Provacation by J.B. Manning |
3-Dec-03/6:25 PM |
Procrastination was as far as I could get, and I figured, the best place to stop.
Re: Biased. by darby pyn |
3-Dec-03/6:19 PM |
I would put "evolution by war" in the piece somewhere, and end at "natural selection".
Re: a comment on The War On Pedophilia by miraclemaker |
3-Dec-03/5:28 PM |
Stop acting like a baby then.
Re: a comment on Devilution by Jeremi B. Handrinos |
3-Dec-03/2:23 PM |
That's nice, because I don't vote or read any of yours period! I just like making you look like an asshole.
Re: How Many Miles? by miraclemaker |
3-Dec-03/1:55 PM |
I like this a lot, I don't care why, and I like that too.
Re: a comment on Devilution by Jeremi B. Handrinos |
3-Dec-03/1:53 PM |
Yes sir. Poetry, is my life.
Re: Lines and half lines by aliena |
25-Nov-03/4:28 PM |
Glue the pile? To your face.
Re: Ranker Nazis by DreamerSupreme |
15-Nov-03/9:59 PM |
Sometimes, it's hard to tell your dad "no" when he pisses on the carpet, and the furniture.
Re: HE FUCKING BIT ME(a some what true story) by Lucifer |
15-Nov-03/9:56 PM |
Re: a comment on Sagittarius by INTRANSIT |
15-Nov-03/6:20 PM |
You're right, I'm sorry dude, that fucking bastard has got me pissed off is all. I appologies. You know I love ya.
Re: a comment on The Poemranker Poe-lease by Jeremi B. Handrinos |
15-Nov-03/6:13 PM |
It's a comedy idiot. That's what comedy does. It poks fun at me too, and the entire incident. Don't be such a prick, prick. You're certainly not above getting 900 zeros yourself, are you?
Re: -untitled- by althea7 |
15-Nov-03/2:20 PM |
This is right where it belongs, that's for sure.