regarding some deleted poem... |
29-May-05/5:22 AM |
It's an old truism, but if punctuality is a virtue then tardiness is an aganram of t-sardines :(
Re: Life and Love by windyone |
30-May-05/4:20 PM |
A brave turd, but ultimately doomed. Last words: "I'm going to make it!"
regarding some deleted poem... |
9-Jun-05/5:38 PM |
Every year, 2.45 billion prawnes die of starvation or AIDS. A further 1.72 billion are massacred for their pelts, which despite the UN embargo on prawne trafficking still fetch extortionate prices on the Taiwanese black market. We eat the rest, wantonly, and without shame, discarding the precious chitinous husks into the bowls provided. Are we without compassion for the prawne? Why is it that the Bush administration can spend 1.75 billion dollars prosecuting a War on Terror, and yet the crustacean agenda barely parps up a mention in the President's annual address? These are rhetorical questions; you and I both know what has to be done. It's written on the wall. It's in the vast swathes of ocean, once teeming with life, now as barren as on old man's hand. It's in the prawne lolly you used to suck on as a child, but can't anymore because they're too fucking expensive. It's in the shrimp colony you nurtured as if it were your own deformed son, but which got trampled by youths and subsequently went massively tits-up. It's in the food we eat, the air we breathe, and the cloggs we manufacture.
It's in the face of every prawne you've ever peeled.
Re: CAN'T TAKE THE PAIN by prettyktm |
21-Jul-05/5:07 PM |
This makes me sick. How dare you sully us with the lurid details of your dumpling of a love-life? This is a poetry website, and poetry is about thoughts, feelings, and emotions. Not tawdry 'late night' shows interspersed with teenage 'menages a trois.' Great poeme though :( -10-
Re: Victoria Applesmack and the Easy to Clean Wonder-Spleen by T. Jonathron Remp |
21-Jul-05/5:09 PM |
This poeme exudes excellence, though the title is a little too 'self-consciously zany' for my tastes. -10-
Re: My Golden Birthday by jessicazee |
21-Jul-05/5:19 PM |
A raw, uncompromising, indignant, vital, terrifying, brutally honest literary collage of everyday life in the urban skate scene with massively fat cheeks, sunken eyes, and an unbelievably appalling forehead. Nice one.
Re: Changing the Air by Miggy |
21-Jul-05/5:36 PM |
Re: Mystical Chinese Dragon by that_funny_girl |
21-Aug-05/1:44 PM |
Congratulations! You've won the prize for most arbitrary line break of the month! (It's the one between 'and I' and 'would frolic in the park')
Re: Smells by the_poetess |
21-Aug-05/1:51 PM |
A tissue of lies from start to finish, the crescendo being your staggering claim that Asian food smells nice. No Asian thing smells nice, because by definition that thing is coated in a thick layer of Brown.
Re: Jack by Dovina |
28-Aug-05/11:39 AM |
As a poeme, it's cack. Like a snowflake, but warm? So not like a snowflake, then? No. Like a spring leaf. Well which is it? Both. And a repairer of breeches.
Re: Comment Ranker (Favorites) by MacFrantic |
30-Aug-05/3:41 PM |
For months now I've been longing for a compendium of your comments, so when this gem oozed its way onto the Most Recent list I could scarcely contain my delight. Each painstakingly selected comment had me doubled up in fits of laughter. It's as if you've trawled through every comment you've ever written, and only chosen the ones that were really, really funny! You should get this published! Have you tried
Re: The Right Thing To Do by Bethy |
30-Aug-05/3:44 PM |
How dare you sully us with the lurid details of your repulsive love life? You're a disgusting harlot who knows no shame. Get off this site. -0-
Re: The Right Thing To Do by Bethy |
31-Aug-05/8:41 AM |
I have just been contacted by the FBI and they informed me of the changes you made to your (once lewd) poeme. You'll be pleased to know they've accepted the rewording and will not be pursuing the matter any further. Kind regards, -=Dark_Angel=-, P.I.
regarding some deleted poem... |
31-Aug-05/2:26 PM |
public class Nentwined extends Rockmage implements UnbelievablyAppalling
Re: The Absense of God by Bluemonkey |
5-Sep-05/4:26 AM |
Yeah well there are hardly any Christians where I live, and we haven't been pulped by any McHurricaines. It's like all those Muslim fundamentalists who believe the Tsunami was a message from God telling the Indonesians not to adopt Western customs, but to remain fully scarfed-up. Of course the message would have been rather more potent had the Tsunami struck the shores of California, where Nudity runs wide-rife, and where a Gentleman cannot walk Five Paces without brushing up against a Gay.
regarding some deleted poem... |
16-Sep-05/11:54 AM |
It is unseemly for a woman to indulge so frequently as you in creative writing. Creativity is, overwhelmingly, a masculine trait, and your having the presumption to trespass so freely on its buttocks does you little credit. Notwithstanding a few notable exceptions, among whose company I'd have no hesitation in including Miss Jane Austen, a woman's brain can only be described as "unbelievably appalling." Ill-suited to poetry, ill-suited to academia, and ill-suited to discussing Important Matters Of The Towne. Devote yourself to embroidery, the recital of sweet music, and kittens. Thereafter, you shall find yourself much the happier, and far more likely to secure a sound marriage.
Re: Elmer's Last Try by Dovina |
22-Sep-05/6:50 AM |
A bedwetting can test even the most devoted parent's love.
Re: Please Stay by pletcgm |
22-Sep-05/4:37 PM |
Re: AIDS in a van by -=Dark_Angel=-, P.I. |
1-Dec-05/2:12 PM |
I'd just like to wish everyone on poemeranker a very happy World AIDS Day. (For those that don't know, the 1st of December is a very special time of year when people of all faiths and sexual orientations come together to celebrate AIDS.)
Re: The Third Fall Of Jesus by amanda_dcosta |
10-Dec-05/2:51 PM |
This poeme really touched my heart. It made me realise that if you pray, and put your faith in God, He will look after you no matter what happens. All those people who cross the road and end up being majorly spazzed up by a truck (as opposed to being mildly befuddled by a bike) have only themselves to blame. If they'd actually bothered to go to church regularly they would never have ended up so hideously deformed. Excellent work -10-