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20 most recent comments by lmp (21-40) and replies

Re: a comment on Deeper by Skamper 2-Jul-07/9:02 AM
i agree. eschewing puctuation altogether leaves it open to the reader's interpretation.

i would agree with Ranger only if there was a period (or "full stop", "full point" or "dot", choose your favorite nomenclature) at the end of the last line.
Re: -750,000 in Rwanda by ALChemy 2-Jul-07/8:46 AM

horrid topic, well portrayed. i think that the single line "hear our silence" is sufficient to convey the "shame on spectators" message.

especially haunting is the last verse...
Re: courtyard by lmp 29-Jun-07/3:42 PM
i can accept that the previously posted version of this in the concrete style sucked. i thank those that pointed out the flaws.

while this may not be a better version, necessarily, it is at least more true to the original visceral response to (and memory of) the moment that motivated the penning of these words.
Re: a comment on courtyard by lmp 29-Jun-07/3:27 PM
s1 is more "pedestrian" for lack of a better term. even a bit melancholy.

s2 is more zen, mystical, hushed, contemplative.

different weather, same place. different mood, same person.
Re: a comment on Summer Festival by Christof 29-Jun-07/3:24 PM
why did you vote for this yourself? just curious.
Re: Summer Festival by Christof 29-Jun-07/3:23 PM
i would start line 2 differently; it is disjointed and does not flow well from line 1. perhaps "we saw" instead of "there's" on line 2 or maybe omit "during" from line 1.

no need for the "and" at the start of line 3.

i do like the imagery and similies:
"loose-limbed", "clinging", "flapping", " sweaty skin", and my favorite " dance a blissful drunken shrug".
lines 3-7 very successfully animate the clothing as much as the wind would.

a few nitpicks as indicated, but good work.
Re: Why Do We Stay? by nypoet22 29-Jun-07/3:16 PM
i do like the improvement of the ending, although i would think Alex would "sulk" his answer; "huff" seems a bit wrong somehow, as if he were flummoxed (but maybe he is).

interesting bit that Alex(ander) is making the comment about not following Bush any longer; the origin of Alex's name implies leadership.

extra point for the content.
Re: The Riddle by lexxie100 29-Jun-07/11:20 AM
sobriety anniversary, perhaps, but i do not think so. maybe a bout of mental illness, but minor, like seasonal defective disorder. or maybe just allergies.

anyhow, this could be more subtle in the way it is written and the rhyming is too forced, in my opinion. not all poetry needs to have an even meter and rhyme pattern; simple, effective groupings of words often convey a more powerful/clear message.
Re: a comment on a dream by lmp 29-Jun-07/11:01 AM
a fairy tale ending for sure.
Re: a comment on timebomb by lmp 29-Jun-07/10:58 AM
Re: a comment on Never Still by Skamper 28-Jun-07/4:11 PM
re-reading some of your work. you are quite the goth girl, eh? i refer also to "little goth girl". google it, relates to the satan/maiden images you have written about, but in a much lighter (but still dark) way.
Re: a comment on The Equalizer by Skamper 28-Jun-07/4:08 PM
Re: a comment on Bonded by Skamper 28-Jun-07/4:04 PM
checking in?
Re: a comment on timebomb by lmp 28-Jun-07/1:05 PM
i do not know how many times i have heard that lies hurt, lying is wrong, it is mean, etc. we have also heard "the truth hurts", but i do not buy into that. the truth hurts like hydrogen peroxide; only if a lie (bacteria, infection) is present. truth will seem hurt if it is not something we want to hear, but that is because what we do want to hear/believe is a lie.

for example: you have cancer. shit! that hurts, right? no! the truth does not hurt, but what you believed (the lie) does: you don't have cancer when you actually do.

my thought is that lies are like pandora's box: until they are exposed, they are inert. the truth is what exposes a lie, and keep in mind that exposure can be in subtle degrees. the liar may act differently because they know they have lied, but that is because the truth is known to them.

why is it that people do not get hurt and upset by a lie until they know the truth?
Re: a comment on essence of a thought by lmp 28-Jun-07/12:32 PM
they are rather weighty, aren't they? (Rodin's sculptures, that is.) my wife and i went to the museum of his work in paris on our honeymoon; great place and i highly recommend it should you ever get the chance to go.

thanks for the comments. you be writing something soon? seems we both took a bit of a hiatus...
Re: a comment on Buddy by ALChemy 28-Jun-07/11:10 AM
i got no answer. that was interesting.
Re: a comment on husk [hai-crete] by lmp 28-Jun-07/11:08 AM
i could not find crshd in the dictionary. is it under "crashed", "crushed", or "cure-shod"? i could maybe use a different text or reduce the kerning to give the effect, but Notepad isn't so sophisticated. perhaps if it gets published (ha ha) the printing house can work on that.

and without the word "empty" the haiku police would be all over me for only having 3 syllables in the first line. "suuuuuure it is there", they would say as thay clapped me in irons.
Re: a comment on timebomb by lmp 28-Jun-07/11:00 AM
actually, i would not be hurt if you thought that my poetry sucked *if you were speaking truth*. I might think you had poor taste, but i wouldn't be hurt. ;)

however, if you turned around and told me that you really didn't think it sucked and that you had lied, *that* would be the hurtful thing: the fact or reason that you were compelled to lie to me.

the content of a truth can be unpleasant, but it is truth. the truth does not hurt in and of itself. lies, all by themselves, can petty (as in your example) or they can be placating (omissions or falsifications of truth). only in the light of truth do lies really hurt.

at least that is the premise that i wrote this poem upon.

i am curious why you chose not to vote, unless you think it sucks and didn't want to tell me the truth. :D
Re: Kittens and Pocket Money by Shuushin 26-Jun-07/5:05 PM
i can picture a certain droll, intelligent character on a certain TV show speaking this.

it also resonates, i think, with many, if not all, people. nicely done.

Re: Win, Win, Lose, Lose by Dovina 26-Jun-07/2:21 PM
i do like the message, some of the similies are quite nice:
"top heavy with old", "stubbornly foreign".

the last stanza starts to lose some of the momentum, (maybe that's the point?), so the ending does fall a little flat.

however, i like the topic and the first stanza a lot, the second stanza is pretty good. a few tweaks and i think you'll have it.

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