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20 most recent comments by ALChemy (501-520)

Re: Light by Quarton 21-Sep-05/2:37 PM
Like Dovina said nice metaphor.
This shows the duality between human nature and science. Science has no compassion but human nature has its moments.
Your still improving. Which is more than most of us can say.
regarding some deleted poem... 21-Sep-05/2:46 PM
Good story.
Re: untitled Rubiyat 1 by starkfister 21-Sep-05/2:50 PM
Interesting rhyme pattern.
Re: From Dust To Flesh To Texas by Caducus 25-Sep-05/9:46 AM
Drop the next to last line. It's out of place and seems preachy. Otherwise real good.

She was 18 when you were 30?!

You old dog you;)
Re: How Angels Smell by Dovina 25-Sep-05/11:13 AM
The Angel Michael smells like cookie dough and looks like John Travolta.

I heard they were blind but the not smelling thing is new to me. The next thing you'll be telling me is they have no feeling which explains why they don't bother having dicks.

Maybe God just smells really bad. That's why the angels have Michael Jackson noses and God hides from us.
Next time you smell something funky and you can't figure out where it came from feel comfort in knowing the holy father is near.

I like the idea of the poem. The blindness of faith and all.
Re: Vice, Depravation, and Solace by D. $ Fontera 25-Sep-05/11:28 AM
Better than it should be.
Re: my friend beth we wear by jessicazee 25-Sep-05/11:34 AM
I spank this hurricane a monkey throwing but Snickers at me.
regarding some deleted poem... 26-Sep-05/9:38 AM
"All things shall pass."
Re: A Barefoot Day in the Park by Dovina 28-Sep-05/3:45 PM
Good except "leaves from my fingers" seems to have no metaphoric or symbolic reason and is not based in reality either. Maybe something more like "leaves in my hair".
The title reminds me of that Redford and Fonda movie.
Re: The regrets made me voids by Prince of Void 29-Sep-05/8:51 AM
-0-=My vote
Re: pep talk by ay deee 29-Sep-05/9:05 AM
Good one you god damn mercenary.
Re: Through Your Eyes... by jlynnwall 29-Sep-05/9:13 AM
Looks like a bar code.
Re: A Meadow, Among Other Things by Enkidu 30-Sep-05/8:05 AM
What bad luck to survive a horrific plane crash only to be chased down, killed and devoured by vicious bunny rabbits.

Funny stuff.
Re: Yield by wilco 30-Sep-05/8:09 AM
Good ol' country song.
Re: The Sun by MacFrantic 30-Sep-05/8:20 AM
Couplet 4 is redundant and contradictory. (How the hell did you manage that?)

Why call it a free verse poem?

Kind of a good lullaby.
Re: Why I’m Homeless by Dovina 3-Oct-05/7:26 PM
Everyone has a home. You've just got to find it.
regarding some deleted poem... 3-Oct-05/8:50 PM
So when The Passion of the Christ ended you thought nope not enough gore and it ended way too soon.

Sorry that's the smartest assed thing I could come up with for a poem this good.

What ever happened to the 3 Magi anyway. Maybe you can come up with one for that too.
Re: I don't rhyme enough, eh? by Niphredil 3-Oct-05/9:26 PM
Even Picasso said he had to learn to draw like Michelangelo before he could learn to draw like a 7 year old. The latter took him about 40 years.

End in the Rhyme

with it's flashy plume
and flowery scent
is but a simple tool
to recall a precious event.
Dare I say many a fool
has often came and went
who forgot this simple rule
and so will not end in the rhyme.

If you wish to write poems sublime
to spand the changing seasons
(For man's memory fades with time
if it's not given a proper reason)
Fear not that it be called a crime
nor claims of poetic treason
to historically rhyme in the end.
Re: I don't rhyme enough, eh? by Niphredil 3-Oct-05/9:54 PM
What happens when genius doesn't strike you and you don't rhyme?
Re: Sex Object by Dovina 6-Oct-05/7:01 PM
Don't worry Dovina we still think your a sex object.

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