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20 most recent comments by ALChemy (481-500)

Re: Small Furies by Enkidu 6-Oct-05/7:19 PM
You might as well use "done did" if you're going to use "did" that way (like you were answering a question). "knobs-a-turning" and "bulbs-a-burning" a case of style juxt-a-posing.
Some good stuff though.
Re: His Secret in the Woods by TLRufener 9-Oct-05/8:38 AM
Starts off like a Garth Brooks song.
Repetition can be good in poetry but in some places it's a little annoying.
Lots of potential.
Re: 10/8 by cronus 9-Oct-05/8:44 AM
Why do I think of Bon Jovi's "Dead or Alive" when I read this?
We may never know.
Re: 10/8 by cronus 9-Oct-05/8:47 AM
If you sacrificed all that you loved then you can't love god. You can't blame him for not caring.
Re: Gnarly Knees by Dovina 9-Oct-05/8:52 AM
What if he says "I love you ON your knees"?
regarding some deleted poem... 9-Oct-05/8:55 AM
Did the old bait and switch on us.
Re: The Enigmatic Pentagram by ObsequiousGem 10-Oct-05/2:17 AM
Should use 5 line stanzas or 3 stanzas with 6 lines. You know how the devil likes his numbers.

The vote of 5 a tad bit ironic.
Re: In the berth by INTRANSIT 11-Oct-05/4:05 AM
I just posted a poem with the same title (guess I shoulda checked first). This one's better in some ways but also much easier to write.
regarding some deleted poem... 11-Oct-05/4:36 AM
You certainly are one horny little bastard.

I can recognize my own kind from a mile away.
Re: Rocky Road by Dovina 12-Oct-05/4:46 AM
Did you mean "a place OF sweet remembrance"

A really fun read with a groovy beat.
Re: Adelaide by wilco 12-Oct-05/2:55 PM
It's kind of in limbo. Either focus more on the love story or the war story. The writing style comes off as sincere and that's a real good thing. Try to avoid rhyming th first verse and then not rhyming the others.
Re: Tonight’s Halloween by TLRufener 12-Oct-05/3:00 PM
By your login name I wouldn't think a gother.
regarding some deleted poem... 13-Oct-05/4:21 PM
You'll need grown-up ID to drink at this watering hole.

Uh-oh , look out here come the bouncers.
regarding some deleted poem... 13-Oct-05/4:25 PM
You rhymed "way" and "day" twice in a short poem.

Re: Being The Best by cabot 13-Oct-05/4:30 PM
Study meter in poetry and then edit.
Re: Creatures That Crawl To Me by D P Robertson 14-Oct-05/5:40 AM
See I thought the DP stood for Double Penetration.
regarding some deleted poem... 14-Oct-05/5:42 AM
Not quite as repetitious as your posts.
I thought they put a limit on them.
At least make it new poems.
Re: Was Everyone Put On This Earth For A Reason by cabot 14-Oct-05/5:49 AM
We were put here to make plastic. Now that that's been done the earth has decided to exterminate us via tsunami, hurricanes and the bird flu.
Re: The End by Caducus 14-Oct-05/11:44 AM
First two lines don't make sense to me (Please explain) and you carry the metaphor for 3 verses and then abandon it for something completely different.
Should you lose the last line of S4? -Yes and also all of S4 and S5. Save most of S4 though for another poem. There's some good stuff in it. When every line in the first 3 stanzas are the same metaphor your kinda stuck with it and you got to stay with it.

Did you mean "Seppuku"?

Some real good lines in it though.
Re: I Can't Believe He Killed Her by jessicazee 14-Oct-05/11:52 AM
The "!" after "happy" sounds kinda crazy.

Since when can't ghosts talk? Usually they aren't heard but...

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