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20 most recent comments by ALChemy (441-460)

Re: An Allegory to No One by MacFrantic 30-Oct-05/6:13 AM
Not really an allegory but I guess No One won't mind that.
Re: The Gospel According to Zodiac by Dovina 31-Oct-05/8:40 AM
I would have thought he was more of a Squidward sympathist.

I never realised Jesus was so popular with the potheads and gays till now.
Re: Stolen Innocence by TLRufener 31-Oct-05/8:50 AM
"Don't hate the playa, hate the game." -Tupac

We've all had our hearts broken. The difference between us and you is the capacity to learn from our mistakes. You didn't have your life taken, you're just brain dead.
regarding some deleted poem... 1-Nov-05/10:29 AM
You could have used patron instead of patroness (as
-ess tends to come off as sexist in many cases) although I try not to use either when refering to a woman seeing that the word stems from the Latin word pater or patr for father.
Re: Steak and Satin by Dovina 2-Nov-05/6:06 AM
Is that all you women ever think about? Sheesh!
Re: Asylum by TLRufener 2-Nov-05/11:10 AM
It has a Langston Hughes/Mia Angelo quality to it.

Drug is a medication or narcotic. You mean dragged. Although drugged would make it the most interesting line in the poem.
Re: 'Fucky Fucky 5 Dollar' by scitz 2-Nov-05/11:17 AM
Ironically it coincides with recent topics of conversation on Poemranker. But that's probably why you reposted it.
Re: ~PROM MEANS 2 ME~ by T. Jonathron Remp 3-Nov-05/6:31 AM
Aperrantly youor parants passt allong thiere traddishun
uv mispeling 2 U.

I don't know if your poem represents the prom very well but it's a perfect example of the second part.
Re: Dear George Bush by scitz 3-Nov-05/6:49 AM
Millions of people in England will soon be suing you for plagiarism.

I'm guessing the big space in the middle is where you sprinkle the anthrax.

When they take one of those bus bombs and drive it into Westminster Abbey during a royal wedding then you can talk to us about our leaders. Till then worry about old Tony and how soon before one of your slutty popstars pops Prince William's cherry.
Re: Posted Pelicans by Dovina 4-Nov-05/4:54 PM
Has a nice sound to it but it leaves a lot of questions. What do you mean by "calks"? Why are pelicans there in the winter time? "sadness sweetly coming"? Why 13 birds? What's it about? My guess, getting pregnant.

I wouldn't mind a few more stanzas given it's pleasant meter.
Re: Scarlet by BrandonW 6-Nov-05/12:52 PM
It's been my experiance that red heads are some of the best lays. Although I may be only half right seeing I only do the girls.
Re: tourist by skaskowski 6-Nov-05/1:17 PM
Lose "whole" in stanza 2.
Re: Wondering on the Streets by woodstock20000 6-Nov-05/1:30 PM
Stars are made of Hydrogen and a little Helium but on the other end tears as well as all matter in the universe is made of stars.

Here's a song that might speak to you.
regarding some deleted poem... 7-Nov-05/11:13 AM
"Division began on the horizon" is unneeded and redundant.
Nice sound to it. Love the mystical quality.
Re: Bluegrass Blueshield by T. Jonathron Remp 7-Nov-05/11:32 AM
Not cinquain. You know what's funny. If you search cinquain at it causes a glitch in which it can't find any definitions but then offers twice the exact same spelling as an alternative and if you click those it just brings up the same response but if you type cinquains (the plural form) than you get the definition for cinquain. Maybe it's the Smythe-Klein Effect.
Re: Sonata for Robin and Poet by Dovina 7-Nov-05/1:30 PM
An amusing little story. RED and brown? Does the bird have colon cancer?
Re: the band by celticskatermatt1 7-Nov-05/6:10 PM
What are you, like 13?
Re: a casting is rescued by ay deee 7-Nov-05/8:34 PM
Here it's poetry, at the steel mill it's a safety instruction manual.
Not that bad though. Sounds like a circa 1930s setting.
regarding some deleted poem... 8-Nov-05/1:51 AM
Do you even know what your poem means?
If so explain if you're not afraid of causing even more criticism. Or am I being too obtuse for your highfaluting intelligence. If so by all means delete everything that ever made you look smaller than your exploding ego.
Re: I LOVE A PROSTITUTE by Bhaskaryya 8-Nov-05/2:20 AM
"Roxanne! You don't have to put on the red light..."

Your use of whom is pretentious and wrong. See usage note:

Some letters are missing after your apostrophes.

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