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20 most recent comments by LintyWeenis (21-40) and replies

Re: Daddy by LintyWeenis 11-Sep-04/6:12 PM
I do ask that if you vote for this poem, that you leave some commentary. Not cowardly 2's, even if the poem deserves it.
Re: Ichobod Racecar by T. Jonathron Remp 11-Sep-04/5:52 PM
It's the strangest thing, I can't help but read your stuff. It's not the best thing I've ever read, far from it, but I keep reading it. So bonus points there.
Re: Daddy by LintyWeenis 11-Sep-04/5:38 PM
I decided to re-post this poem since it was being accused of self-voting. So here we go again.
Re: corrupting me by skaskowski 11-Sep-04/5:20 PM
Ooh. This goes on the favorite tab. Nice.
Re: Scars by Pervy Elf 11-Sep-04/4:39 PM
Well, I can't complain. 7 for me.
Re: School 61 by unnesessary 11-Sep-04/4:25 PM
Re: Im Scared by crystal4 11-Sep-04/3:54 PM
I like how you took a serious topic and kind of made it into this elementary rhyming thing (and I'm not one to talk). It'll be a 5 for me.
Re: Funny Little World by LintyWeenis 11-Sep-04/3:42 PM
Hahaha, well burn my buscuits. This poem actually won something. I honestly didn't like this poem too much and am very suprised that it's doing as well as it is. But anyways, if my crappy poem can win something, then just think of the stuff you real writers can win.
Re: Corner of 30th and Tibbs by klosterfobik 11-Sep-04/3:35 PM
Well, although I'm kind of stepping in out of nowhere, I don't think punctuation is for the artless, but it shouldn't be a defining trait in a good writer either. If someone has enough passion that he/she starts writing and doesn't put a period or comma where it should be, then oh well. The Literary Hand of God won't squash us just for that. Good poem.
Re: Deep Sleep by Enchantres 11-Sep-04/3:29 PM
Oooh, very interesting. Nice work.
Re: A Choice by Dovina 11-Sep-04/3:28 PM
"They make me glad". I don't know much about poetry, I mean I read and write the stuff and maybe it's just my simple understanding, but the line "They make me glad." kind of dropped me. I liked the poem though.
Re: Dare by LintyWeenis 11-Sep-04/3:24 PM
Well, I say it's open to interpretation because if someone reads it and thinks that this person is screaming out of excitement, well then that's what they get. I personally wrote it with that person screaming in fear because I'm about to go hallin' ass down a busy freeway. I can see where I could use some clarity but grammar?
Re: Dare by LintyWeenis 8-Sep-04/6:09 PM
It's open to interpretation. And who says it's a she?
Re: Forever Lasting by ChefKSP 8-Sep-04/3:54 PM
I Will Always Feel Complete While Your In My Life.
Re: Lost Soul by ChefKSP 8-Sep-04/3:33 PM
I don't know. I couldn't get myself to finish the whole thing.
Re: Licking An Ashtray by Blindpoetry 8-Sep-04/2:52 PM
This poem is one of the longer ones I've read. But, as long as it was for me, I kept reading. That's good. Typos I could have done without, but otherwise, lovely.
Re: Mourning Sickness by Pervy Elf 8-Sep-04/2:48 PM
Re: Worlds Worst Poem by Brittanyy 8-Sep-04/2:35 PM
Um. Well the words "letting go issues" comes to mind, but who am I to judge. It's a 5 for me, Bob.
Re: AIDS in a van by -=Dark_Angel=-, P.I. 8-Sep-04/2:31 PM
Ah, I couldn't help it. It actually made me smirk a little.
Re: I Don't Care by ForgottenSoul17 8-Sep-04/2:21 PM
Hmm. We've all felt like that at one point or another.

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