Re: hard as a rock by <~> |
21-Mar-03/3:39 AM |
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regarding some deleted poem... |
28-Mar-03/4:07 AM |
Re: Tupperware-Caskets by <{Baba^Yaga}> |
28-Mar-03/4:08 AM |
Re: The Gentleman by -=Dark_Angel=-, P.I. |
28-Mar-03/4:08 AM |
Re: Offence by Stephen Robins |
1-Apr-03/5:44 AM |
With your permission, Madam Speaker, I should like to make a statement. Together with my right honourable Friends, the Foreign Secretary and the Home Secretary, I attended a special meeting of the European Council from 14 to 16 October, in Tampere, Finland. The main purpose of the meeting was to agree the priorities for action by the European Union and Member States in the field of Justice and Home Affairs. During a coffee break on 15 October, we visited poemranker and amused ourselves by reading out poems in silly voices. Our particular favourite was this poem for its universal appeal and homely wisdom.
Re: Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome by Stephen Robins |
14-Apr-03/5:16 AM |
Last year I made speech on social policy in the Rijksmuseum with Rembrandt's great painting of the Night Watch as backdrop. Today I find myself in the magnificent Ridderzaal at the heart of Dutch democracy, reading this great poem aloud to the people of Holland. They clap and sigh.
Re: Theology by dougsoderstrom |
24-May-03/7:37 AM |
Interesting. Perhaps you could write a poem about how people attempt to explain the "salvation versus works" dilemma. The dilemma is stark. Religious fundamentalists, it seems, repeatedly fail in explaining why unsaved people should go to Hell, whilst Christian Humanists attempt to explain why unsaved people should not go to Hell. The poem could also deal with how the religious fundamentalist copes with the cognitive dissonance which seems such an inherent part of this dilemma. In my view, the cognitive dissonance may well be an inherent part of trying to rationally justify why one who has lived a life of moral excellence, yet who is unsaved, should be expected to spend an eternity in Hell. What do you think?
regarding some deleted poem... |
5-Jun-03/11:46 AM |
The stanza about tea and toast is very good. It sticks in the memory. The rest of the poem is shit. 4
Re: Her Galactic Boudoir, his make-work by Bachus |
5-Jun-03/11:49 AM |
Re: sharkmouth by Bill Z Bub |
5-Jun-03/11:50 AM |
Re: Taliban Ambush by scitz |
5-Jun-03/11:51 AM |
regarding some deleted poem... |
12-Jun-03/7:51 AM |
The first immutable rule of poetry is that long words like "anesthesiology" make you sound clever and interesting. IT IS TRUE.
Re: Ga-go, Part two of that same play, the suspensefull climax. by Jeremi B. Handrinos |
12-Jun-03/7:53 AM |
I couldn't be bothered to read this, but I'm going to give you 6 points on a whim.
regarding some deleted poem... |
12-Jun-03/7:57 AM |
HA HA! You remind me of Edward Edwin Foot, the Victorian poet who annotated all his poems with long footnotes. My favourite, on the death of the politician Palmerston, goes like this.
Althoâ we* mourn for one now gone,
And heâthat grey-hairâd Palmerston,**
We will give God the praise,â
For he, beyond the age of man,***
Eleven years had over-ran
Within two equal days.
* The nation.
** The Right Honourable Henry John Temple, Viscount Palmerston, K.G., G.C.B., etc. (the then Premier of the British Government), died at Brockett Hall, Herts., at a quarter to eleven o'clock in the forenoon of Wednesday, 18th October, 1865, aged eighty-one years (all but two days), having been born on the 20th October, 1784. The above lines were written on the occasion of his death.
*** Scriptural limitation.
regarding some deleted poem... |
27-Jun-03/8:35 AM |
Re: The Waiting Room by -=Dark_Angel=-, P.I. |
3-Sep-03/10:50 AM |
I hereby formally withdraw my previous opinions as expressed in the following poems which I posted some time ago. The allegations made in these poems may once have appeared to be true, but now I believe them to be false.
-=Dark_Angel_Has_Gone_Missing=- (Free verse) by Edible Underpants
The "poete" hasn't logged in
Since the twenty-fourth of June
Because he's far too busy smacking
His bruised bell-end with a spoon.
-=Words_From_Dark_Angel=- (Free verse) by Edible Underpants
I am the "poete" whom all men fear.
They panic and run far whene'er I come near.
I'm known to be lewd and I'm prone to take liberties
And tell folk about my odd sexual proclivities.
When I was a youngster I developed a taste
For rubbing warm faeces all o'er my face.
I like phallic objects so much I collect 'em
I lube them and ram them far deep in my rectum.
Re: For M. B. by Tits |
15-Oct-03/8:46 AM |
regarding some deleted poem... |
16-Oct-03/5:11 AM |
Re: Faggots get what they deserve! by J.B. Manning |
17-Oct-03/4:44 AM |
Perhaps a little extreme at times, but I agree wholeheartedly with the underlying sentiment. Well done!
Re: Legless Insecurity by PoeticXTC |
17-Feb-06/8:07 AM |
Kaolin Fire - what a totally gay name