Re: a comment on a piece of me by Freethinker1602 |
7-Aug-10/4:44 PM |
I'm sure it would please you to know I am writing a pop/ emo album.
Re: a comment on Loser by Freethinker1602 |
7-Mar-10/8:02 PM |
notice how all the original crap is all the same? thanks for commenting.
Re: Children in the Storm by thepinkbunnyofdoom |
25-May-09/6:17 PM |
gosh I do love strong symbolism! <3
Re: quetzalcoatl by ThePariahDog |
25-May-09/6:09 PM |
one of the better more recent posts, gratz.
Re: He who walks behind the rows by Kraven_The_Wanderer |
25-May-09/6:06 PM |
so what is the corn representing? a cult? or am I just ignorant?
Re: I want you by nicole081083 |
1-Apr-09/6:15 AM |
it's not so terrible, has a good ring when read aloud. gets mundane in the middle and not as good in the end. the beginning is good. don't listen to those jerks. what may help also, right in a code,images. say the person has blue eyes, you could write
"lovely blue jay
you flew away
before you even landed
you left my branches bare
i tried to catch you
but you're too cunning
emptiness makes my heart tare"
just a suggestion helps make the poem reading and writing more fun and interesting.
Re: Send The Devil... by horus8 |
30-Nov-05/9:57 PM |
Hey there... I was just looking around on here for kicks, haven't been around in ages. Just wanted to say that just because my name is Ke-Ke does not mean I am black. I'm a beautiful blonde with blue eyes.
Re: The Stems of Roses by embersandenvelopes |
11-Apr-04/8:23 PM |
one question, why would you be lying under rose stems? I'm not trying to be an ass, I just want to make sure you aren't "having a rough time" and considering something dangerous. Intersting work though even though I have no idea what it's about I give you an 8 I'm on AIM at Impishkat
Re: thinking while sawin' a few logs by Freethinker1602 |
2-Feb-04/6:34 PM |
Smack! Smack! Smack!...Head hitting desk... Smack! Smack, why did I write something so infernal and horrific! Well congrats on finding it fortune cookie and now to hid it again.
Re: a comment on So Much**coment this sucks. I want to make it better by Freethinker1602 |
27-Jan-04/7:12 PM |
I don't want praise for something that's trash... all I wanted was for weeknesses to be pointed out which you did... No wait, where am I going with that. Let's try this approach instead, poetry is about expression of individualism.
Re: a comment on So Much**coment this sucks. I want to make it better by Freethinker1602 |
27-Jan-04/10:31 AM |
you missed the mark of analization totally, kudos for trying. I've heard people say you mean a lot to me and all that who ha but one can only imagine that some one has said I don't know how much you mean, it is common to think this.
2. Poetry, to me, is all about writing down what you feel. It doesn't matter if you write something all ready said, because to the writer, it is personal. To me this is my personal struggle.
3. My thoughts are broken and incomplete and mixed and jumbled, hense the line break problem. Tell me how I can think in a more fluid way and my poems will becom better congealed and more concreate.
4. I almost never ever punctuate poems, ICKY.
Re: i'm falling for u damnit! by clumseYdaiseY |
26-Jan-04/8:35 PM |
good job. I can empathize.
Re: Porn by New Life Drug |
19-Jan-04/6:44 AM |
I don't really understand the title, but hey what ever floats your boat. I think it is well written and exemplifies what it is to struggle with emotion and confusion. well done, 8
Re: Cherry Blossoms (anti-haiku) by middenHeap |
11-Jan-04/5:56 PM |
you'd asked what had been spawned... the answer to that, is everything
Re: You're Good by Freethinker1602 |
8-Jan-04/6:34 PM |
wow this is an oldie... well compared to how I feel now and that I understand what it is... it's just a deep appreciation.
Re: Sisters of mercy by titan69 |
8-Jan-04/6:29 PM |
slightly sadomassochistic not too shabby... I was jeez not another child of nature then I was like yay when I read it... kind of made me laugh
Re: A "sirius"makeover by The_Third_Isis |
29-Nov-03/9:16 PM |
kudos... seemed to have some sort of meter, almost. good composition and nice work on the structure ... I liked the lip biting kiss comment
Re: a comment on You Left Your Brownies by Freethinker1602 |
20-Nov-03/12:28 PM |
I wrote this after having a good time with him and I was making him brownies just about once a week. He left them because he'd forgotten about them and so had I. I'd hidden them as insentive for his "being a good boy"
Re: a comment on free by Freethinker1602 |
17-Nov-03/7:38 PM |
Re: free by Freethinker1602 |
17-Nov-03/7:38 PM |
I wanna scream so loudly I deafen myself
I wanna beat the walls around me till they fall
Iâm not gonna allow myself to be put that low
Not gonna stand for what others put me through
They can judge me and I say fuck that
I am who I am and I donât think I deserve anything less
If you fuck me over I fuck you up
Donât come messinâ with me Iâm too risky
When Iâm done with you, youâll wish youâd followed that bright light at the end of the tunnel