Re: Dashboard Jesus by wilco |
21-Jun-06/3:02 AM |
A bit too location-specific for my taste. As a matter of interest why are so many Americans local town-specific, mentioning little towns no one else has heard of? Would you no be confused if I wrote a poem all about Tenterden or Woolwich Arsenal or Beckenham Junction? Surely it detracts from universality?
Re: Bloody Stools 'n' Butterflies by EAger to Offend |
21-Jun-06/3:41 AM |
Celestial signs in the shitter...... yes, indeed I've had a few of those. A charming little ode.
Re: Nocturnal Emissions by EAger to Offend |
21-Jun-06/3:42 AM |
Re: Charter Of Rights by EAger to Offend |
21-Jun-06/3:42 AM |
Re: Distastefully Hairy Quendo by wââ¦â©â¤â¦â©â£ â â¤â¦â§â©â¡w |
21-Jun-06/3:43 AM |
Funnier than my Auntie's death from syphilis.
regarding some deleted poem... |
21-Jun-06/3:44 AM |
Re: I'm Back! by wEdible Underpantsw |
21-Jun-06/3:46 AM |
Downmarket trash. Well worthy of a poemwanker award.
Re: All Hail! All Hail! America The Golden! by Edna Sweetlove |
21-Jun-06/3:52 AM |
For the less intelligent among you (and he knows who he is) this is satire.
Re: Ah! That Love Would'st Lead Me by EggbertShootsFire |
21-Jun-06/4:41 AM |
Charmingly archaic. Unfairl consigned to the wastes of worst poems. I shall rescue it from there!
Re: Revisiting Old Wounds by ObiWonKn |
21-Jun-06/4:43 AM |
Beat out that rhythm on a pew, man! Cool! Groovy!
Re: "My Love" by wickedemon4 |
21-Jun-06/4:44 AM |
Truly terrible apart from the thong bit. Thongs for the memory!
Re: late night activities by sooz |
21-Jun-06/4:46 AM |
Pathetically unfunny. I have seen funnier things in my underpants.
regarding some deleted poem... |
21-Jun-06/4:47 AM |
Very amusing. 10/10. Keep on writing, darling.
Re: Ted and Fred by worldsofwar |
21-Jun-06/4:48 AM |
Appallingly rhymed and written. A deserving 0/10. Well done dear.
regarding some deleted poem... |
22-Jun-06/5:34 PM |
Not as bad as all that. Not good though.
regarding some deleted poem... |
23-Jun-06/4:18 PM |
Illiterate trash as usual dear. Why not grow up and get over your unhealthy obsession with me.
regarding some deleted poem... |
23-Jun-06/4:22 PM |
Hopeless poorly written drivel. Your tragig belief that you can write is pitiful. Here is a poem I found elsewhere on the Internet about you....
A forty year old was out in the dark
Stalking young girls in the park;
When she found him, his Mum
Smacked him on the bum
And said "Why not grow up, dear Mark?"
Re: fuck you by gsosville |
23-Jun-06/5:40 PM |
Re: fuck you by gsosville |
23-Jun-06/5:41 PM |
And illiterate too, a bonus.
Re: An Interview With King David by amanda_dcosta |
18-Jul-06/10:23 AM |
Another hilarious gem! What drugs are you on? 10/10 for humour. Not.