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20 most recent comments by -=Dark_Angel=-, P.I. (381-400)

Re: The Ghost of Sarah Gyllenhall by wilco 28-Feb-04/1:17 PM
The Phantom of the Opera once gave me a hand shandy.
Re: Drunk Satan by smlink84 1-Mar-04/5:49 AM
I have a theological question for you, smlink84: Do angels have wings?
Re: Margaret Prays by wilco 1-Mar-04/4:37 PM
I think Margret listened to Counting Crows too much and her brain was actually forced out of her ear.
Re: Looking Outside by etherealmaiden 2-Mar-04/4:41 AM
"The contemplation of Beauty sometimes induces ecstasy, and ecstasy is the happiest state, a humming perfection of the whole person. The greatest art critic of the earlier twentieth century, Bernard Berenson, writes in his Sketch for a Selfportrait that at the age of five or six he experienced an ecstasy when out of doors."

- from 'An Atheist's Values' by Richard Robinson, Fellow of Oriel College, Oxford
Re: paint me a poem (try 2) by nentwined 2-Mar-04/2:15 PM
What do you mean by 'deep'?
Re: Cutters Part II The Recut (Limerick Triplet) by Shardik 2-Mar-04/2:28 PM
Well, at least you tried.
regarding some deleted poem... 3-Mar-04/1:55 PM
What a load of podsols.
regarding some deleted poem... 3-Mar-04/3:12 PM
Re: No Sunday Clothes by wilco 3-Mar-04/3:29 PM
I'm afraid the idea of needing no Sunday clothes is plagiarised from my poeme 'Child of my Buttocks' ( -10-
regarding some deleted poem... 4-Mar-04/12:49 AM
Hi fuzzylogic! Welcome to the site!!1

Great name! Are you a fan of the work of Susan Haaaack?
regarding some deleted poem... 4-Mar-04/5:30 AM
Excellent! I agree, people always seem to want you to change, or to criticise you for being who you are. Sometimes I just feel like standing up and shouting, "CAN'T YOU SEE I WILL ALWAYS JUST BE ME?"

lol :-)

regarding some deleted poem... 4-Mar-04/2:08 PM
"But the rages and disciplines are
Fresh masterpieces in vivid oils running down
Still wet upon the canvas of my memory." hauntingly poignant. It reminds me very much of my childhood adventures at Browne Acres School For Boys, in which my stool-based oil paintings were met, even among the most mild mannered of my peers, with unprovoked acts of appalling violence.
Re: youre there... by PhSbLoNdE569 4-Mar-04/2:21 PM
This has to be a joke.
Re: Jesus Wept by coffeeangel316 5-Mar-04/1:26 PM
With this piece, you have balmilised a dumpling that is Beyond Thunderdome. It fails so utterly, that no amount constructive criticism could hoist it from the plunging U-bend to the giddy heights of a lingering death on the toilet bowl, smeared against the porcelain slopes like a squashed urchin. No my friend, this dropping is destined to remain below the waterline, where it shall wallow and sob in a state of appalling agony until the last days of its miserably short life are utterly spent. It's time to pull the chain and move on, lest the contemplation of one stool should hamper the coiling of t'other. Good try though! -10-
Re: Not All Scars by coffeeangel316 5-Mar-04/1:35 PM
Often at night I wake up to sound of my own screams, and then I realise that I have just based my entire personality on my love for a hot beverage.
regarding some deleted poem... 7-Mar-04/9:56 AM
This is quite good, but two points:

1. Do you mean "marry me?" at the end?

2. "Bimbo" is generally used to describe a woman who is attractive yet stupid. The women you're describing does in fact seem to be "less than a bimbo", since she's ugly too.
Re: “I’ll Drop You Off At The Next Corner” by Blindpoetry 7-Mar-04/11:06 AM
Re: depressed by PhSbLoNdE569 7-Mar-04/1:15 PM
[X] AABB rhyming scheme
[_] About romantic love
[_] About poetry-writing
[X] About suicide or self-mutilation
[_] Arbitrary indentation
[_] Arbitrary line breaks
[_] Autobiographical but in the third person
[X] Clerical errors
[X] Cliched imagery (staring out of window, pits of despair)
[X] Cliched rhymes (love/above etc.)
[X] Devoid of alliteration or any such linguistic embellishments
[_] Devoid of rhyme
[_] Devoid of simile, reification or any such literary devices
[X] Devoid of wond'rous or fantastical imagery
[_] Drug references
[_] Elves, unicorns, etc.
[_] Exclamation points used to mark 'the funny bits'
[_] Insipidly whimsical or zany
[_] Leaving rant
[_] Lower case only
[X] Melodramatic
[_] Naively religious or superstitious
[_] Obsessed with femininity
[_] Overabundance of ellipses
[X] Overuse of 'depression' words (putrid, wretched, darkness, etc)
[_] Pointedly unanswered questions
[_] Protagonist has a smug name
[_] Rage against the machine
[_] References to the author's 'social life'
[_] Repetition of a single word or phrase to the point of nausea
[_] Sanctimoniously moral
[X] Sentimental
[X] Self-pity
[_] Thesaurophilia
[_] Use of internet shorthand or emoticons
[_] Vicarious wish fulfilment

Mediocrity score: 11
regarding some deleted poem... 8-Mar-04/9:09 AM
But what about the cat and the dog?
Re: The Cessation of Fidelity by wilco 9-Mar-04/8:01 AM

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