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Re: It's about truckin' by INTRANSIT INTRANSIT 12-Nov-07/7:01 PM
Meh. Just edited for better sound.
Re: Collective Soul by sliver INTRANSIT 12-Nov-07/7:27 PM Watch the video. Look up the book. Get back to me. Good to see you again. Join us or you will be assimilated. what the hell?
Re: AKA Poets by Skamper INTRANSIT 14-Nov-07/6:00 AM
Yes. Who AM I to call mysef a poet. I'm sure I shouldn't be writing. According to Billy Collins at least. Temerity-perfect.
Re: AKA Poets by Skamper Dovina 15-Nov-07/7:54 AM
This sounds vaguely familiar. Maybe it is adapted from Billy Collins as the 18-wheeling poet suggests. Haven't time to look. If not, you get an unabashed 10.
Re: It's about truckin' by INTRANSIT Dovina 15-Nov-07/7:58 AM
Good. Sounds real, as if you actually believe it. "having" in verse 2 sounds weak.
Re: HATE by forsaken'sbigbro Sasha 15-Nov-07/2:54 PM
Pitiful Voting on your own poems. Insecurity is sooooo hot. OMG ur like a starving artist ZOMG
Re: INTELLIGENCIA by INTRANSIT Skamper 16-Nov-07/1:41 AM
there's always a line that needs something - I see what you mean about line 8, it's a little clumsy. Yet, the line works so well with a pause after own.
Re: It's about truckin' by INTRANSIT Skamper 16-Nov-07/2:07 AM
Since I've been travelling and no doubt annoying the hell out of truckies (going 80k's when the limits 110) I've developed a need to know why this kind of life is so appealing. I say life, instead of work beacuse I feel in another time I think I could have lived this way. Could you write about this aspect, or have you done so? I like this poem's descriptive, insightful picture of what the life entails. But, would love to read about why.
Re: ode to boa:w/thanks to the 60's rock group, BloodRock by malpaso malpaso 16-Nov-07/4:10 AM
no but I wish there had been
Re: The Taking by Skamper INTRANSIT 16-Nov-07/7:34 AM
For some reason, I'd like lines one and two inverted. Leave the big gap but lose the -then- Love it!
Re: Tingling by INTRANSIT INTRANSIT 16-Nov-07/8:21 AM
Dropped the -crimson. Reformed into stanzas. I'm wondering if -melon- is too vague.
Re: The Taking by Skamper some deleted user 17-Nov-07/6:28 AM
so much said with so little words.
Re: AKA Poets by Skamper some deleted user 17-Nov-07/6:32 AM
Excellent, excellent, excellent.
Re: A Vernal Tale by MacFrantic INTRANSIT 18-Nov-07/7:11 AM
Suggestions. Lines 4,8,10 no comma L-11 split? or spilt? L-16 no comma / changet to -though L-18 IN soil Last stanza go 4 lines Penultimate- one comma after year Last line-- the? instead of her?
Re: Liar by Roisin INTRANSIT 18-Nov-07/7:17 AM
I would make the first stanza four lines and give -bitch- its own. I think you can lose -glinting and move suffocated by sin up. I'd also like ahint as to who is catching the hot lead. hope that helps.
Re: What bianca saw!!! by titan69 malpaso 19-Nov-07/6:33 AM
the most ignorant, piss-poor limerick I ever heard but funny, though and proves that with a little embedded irony and slant rhyme you can have a good time and actually...polish a turd!
Re: Tingling by INTRANSIT Skamper 19-Nov-07/7:20 PM
melon is a bit vague - considering you follow with periwinkle third stanza line two - 'so' not clear on it's intent. Is it your joints that are aching so - or is it because they are aching you succumb? If the latter maybe a comma after ache? This poem has a pureness about it, I love it.
Re: Liar by Roisin Skamper 19-Nov-07/7:26 PM
In agreement with intransit - bitch needs it's own line who gets the lead - I would like to think it's a suicide, a point made, a final thrust of guilt. Nice work, shady and direct.
regarding some deleted poem... Skamper 19-Nov-07/7:32 PM
I read this before you edited - you did a good job then, and now the polishing is evident. the last 2/3 lines need some personalisation - perhaps mentioning colour/markings of the eyes. Let us know your dog. :)
Re: Fading Love by hobojo Skamper 19-Nov-07/7:41 PM
line 4 first stanza - all that I despise - that which I despise...something like that to rid the repitition of 'what I' just an this a lot though, the inevitibility of it. :)

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