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most recent comments (1561-1580)

Re: GENTLE JANE by titan69 Skamper 19-Nov-07/7:45 PM
this could have been funny...nah...who am I kidding, it's god awful
Re: What bianca saw!!! by titan69 Skamper 19-Nov-07/7:48 PM
argh! get the sylable count right - if you are going to write in limerick, find the rhythm... snaps for the ranker/wanker rhyme
Re: What the fuck is a HAIKU anyway? by titan69 Skamper 19-Nov-07/7:51 PM
drop the yoda instructions - add 'a' between writes and load... you definately have a way with....titles...
Re: A Cyclamatic Word of Advice by Skamper INTRANSIT 20-Nov-07/8:02 AM
Cyclamatic ? Wow. There's a word. Say, is it just me, or do I rely way too much on images to do my speaking for me? This is really good Skamper. Not sure about that -maybe-.
Re: this is what I see by malpaso titan69 20-Nov-07/1:47 PM
Re: A Cyclamatic Word of Advice by Skamper INTRANSIT 21-Nov-07/6:18 AM
This reminds me of one I wrote where a woman gives back an engagement ring. And his rib.
Re: Sisters of mercy by titan69 INTRANSIT 21-Nov-07/6:22 AM
your stile? that much is right.
Re: WASTED by titan69 malpaso 21-Nov-07/5:22 PM
Re: Bottle collection by INTRANSIT some deleted user 22-Nov-07/5:20 AM
I like this INTRANSIT. you have taken something innocuous and gven it life-- "A june-bug scotch drunk" is a great line. Good work. BTW, it seems like you and skamper are the only ones to comment and vote on this site anymore. Whats up with that?
Re: A Cyclamatic Word of Advice by Skamper some deleted user 22-Nov-07/5:25 AM
Great stuff skamper--the first stanza really sets the tone for the rest of the poem. Nice work.
Re: Tingling by INTRANSIT some deleted user 22-Nov-07/5:35 AM
The imagery in this poem is fabulous--which is no surprise coming from you--imagery is something you seem to have mastered quite well.
Re: Heroes to the End by sliver INTRANSIT 22-Nov-07/12:41 PM
Technically, L-11 each day with loss L-12 -that's hard to justify. Otherwise, Amen
Re: Death and the black dog by Caducus INTRANSIT 22-Nov-07/12:45 PM
I sense expectation of death in the first two stanzas. Um, I'm not going to comment just yet. I think there's more you want to say. Let it ferment, C.
Re: What ever happend to Kelly Green? by titan69 INTRANSIT 22-Nov-07/12:47 PM
True story or not, put your back into it, man. This is an easy 9. But not yet.
Re: Bottle collection by INTRANSIT Skamper 22-Nov-07/1:05 PM
I've just finished a book where the husband was a bottle collector - he had loads of them, proudly displayed and affectionately the end of the book the wife smashed every one of them. Not that this has anything to do with your poem, apart from coincidence to me... This poem is perfect in it's quiet way, love it.
regarding some deleted poem... Skamper 22-Nov-07/1:14 PM
LOL...sibling rivalry
Re: A Cyclamatic Word of Advice by Skamper malpaso 22-Nov-07/1:22 PM
I would hate to be the one on the other end of THAT laser. Hey is this website in the UK?
Re: The Dung Beetles by Pappa Pappa 23-Nov-07/2:59 AM
This is actually an Englyn, not free verse.
Re: The Dung Beetles by Pappa INTRANSIT 23-Nov-07/12:57 PM
Ok. So I'm making a connection between dung beetles and humans, but not much else. What is the technical description of an Englyn? Welcome to Das 'Ranker!
Re: Stringed by thetrev INTRANSIT 23-Nov-07/12:58 PM
Bizarrly good.

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