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What bianca saw!!! (Limerick) by titan69
There Once was a girl called Bianca. Who looked for a boyfriend on Poemranker. She tried the best she could. But pulled out a dud. and ended up with a complete fucking wanker!!!!!

Up the ladder: Pollution
Down the ladder: Coffee with Kay

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Arithmetic Mean: 5.0
Weighted score: 5.0
Overall Rank: 8037
Posted: May 25, 2004 2:21 PM PDT; Last modified: November 18, 2007 12:45 PM PST
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[9] Dan garcia-Black @ | 25-May-04/7:14 PM | Reply
I grieve for Bi-anca.
[10] DR Limerick @ | 26-May-04/11:48 AM | Reply
this is just the sort of cheaky poem i like 10
[2] Edna Sweetlove @ | 20-May-06/5:03 PM | Reply
Spoiled by the misuse of exclamation marks. Not funny either.
[8] malpaso @ | 19-Nov-07/6:33 AM | Reply
the most ignorant, piss-poor limerick I ever heard
but funny, though and proves
that with a little embedded irony
and slant rhyme you
can have a good time and actually...polish a turd!
[2] Skamper @ | 19-Nov-07/7:48 PM | Reply
argh! get the sylable count right - if you are going to write in limerick, find the rhythm...

snaps for the ranker/wanker rhyme
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