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WASTED (Free verse) by titan69
At the far end of the World. Where the grass used to grow. Now the wind smells sweet and sour when it blows. and nothing lives there exept old crows. in the land that the SUPERPOWERS WASTED.

Up the ladder: If A Goat

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Arithmetic Mean: N/A
Weighted score: 4.762871
Overall Rank: 11499
Posted: November 16, 2003 12:39 AM PST; Last modified: November 21, 2007 1:21 PM PST
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[3] ShaNoN+960317485 @ | 16-Nov-03/6:28 AM | Reply
Frankly young crows 2 are found in this land:o(
[7] Shuushin @ | 16-Nov-03/7:18 AM | Reply
kindof a enviro-political pimple.

Reach a bit for those expressions, seek specificity like the good ones in that third line ("wind" could be better served though).


as an aside - most people worry more about the second and third world folks than we who are hindered by bureacracy.
[n/a] titan69 @ | 17-May-04/1:10 PM | Reply
If we dont look after our world who will?
[0] malpaso @ | 21-Nov-07/5:22 PM | Reply
[n/a] titan69 @ > malpaso | 22-Nov-07/12:16 PM | Reply
copy cat !!!
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