Re: Brand-new Blue Book Jacket by Bobjim |
some deleted user |
25-Mar-08/7:43 PM |
I hope the constant comments are as annoying to you as you are to the person who you stole from in the first place.
Re: Teaching Beetles To Swim by Bobjim |
some deleted user |
25-Mar-08/7:50 PM |
I only see one "stupid loser" on this page, and it's not the fans pointing out the facts.
Yeah yeah, you keep admitting to plagiarising, so that makes it ok, yes? Well, actually no it doesn't.
Theft is theft is theft.
Re: Shouting at dogs by Bobjim |
some deleted user |
25-Mar-08/7:54 PM |
Another good example of your skill with the copy/paste function on your computer, well done.
Yeah yeah, don't even bother to explain that you admit to plagerising yadda yadda. Just remove all the stolen poems. Or would that leave your account rather empty?
Re: Naylor's Handbag by Bobjim |
some deleted user |
25-Mar-08/7:58 PM |
Yep one more stolen poem from Robert Rankin. And nope, I'm not giving up posting. Think I might try to trace the authors of some others you've posted as yours.
Re: The Kid by Bobjim |
some deleted user |
25-Mar-08/8:01 PM |
Once I wrote a poem, it was rubbish, but I gave up, and didn't steal someone elses. Pity you didn't do the same.
Re: Shoe Hole by Bobjim |
some deleted user |
25-Mar-08/8:06 PM |
I'm getting bored now, I hope you are too Bobjim. :D
Re: Teaching Beetles To Swim by Bobjim |
Christof |
27-Mar-08/9:15 AM |
What is the point of repeatedly posting the work of Robert Rankin? Unless you are Robert Rankin, which it seems you're not. You probably think it's funny or postmodern or clever. It's only one of those three things, and post-modernism is just so old-fashioned these days. Don't you know that post-post-modernism has already given way to proto-neo-millenarianism?
Re: Beard my Homemade Negro Jesus (Improved! With AIDS!) by Everyone |
Stephen Robins |
28-Mar-08/5:40 AM |
I bearded my black christ with swine,
'pon which the holy fella did dine,
His lips slurped and swallowed,
The jew meat thus hallowed,
Pork is thus became divine.
Re: Aeroplanes and goslings by Caducus |
Caducus |
2-Apr-08/11:11 AM |
Re: If I Had by forsaken |
misused |
3-Apr-08/8:32 PM |
Re: Offering by Sasha |
Dark Angle |
4-Apr-08/1:08 AM |
At least my stuff isn't boring, trite pieces of crap like yours.
Re: Teaching Beetles To Swim by Bobjim |
Dark Angle |
4-Apr-08/1:11 AM |
Ok, the Rankin guy isn't even that wonderful to begin with, why would anyone copy his crap? Isn't there some sort of person that, oh, you know, administrates this site or something, that should have the power to say, delete this user?! What's going on here?!
Re: Teaching Beetles To Swim by Bobjim |
Dark Angle |
4-Apr-08/1:15 AM |
And besides, what sort of person would plagiarize poetry on some unknown corner of the web?!? Obviously he has autism or some other sort of mental illness. Maybe you guys should just leave him alone, or beat and rape him with sticks like they did in the good old days... I don't really care.
Re: Two Years by berdabear |
berdabear |
10-Apr-08/12:16 PM |
How very true, I have since added new footsteps.
Re: The Mirror by berdabear |
berdabear |
10-Apr-08/12:32 PM |
Its been nearly 5 years since I wrote this. If you take a moment to read my latest submission you'll find my attitude has changed dramatically. Thank god and the few who have really loved me!
Re: Confusion by berdabear |
berdabear |
10-Apr-08/12:36 PM |
"uncontrolled thoughts" so very true. I comment on my own work in reflection. Self hatred, confustion, destruction, addiction. I made that change, I dumped all addiction, clean and sober for over two years now. Still random in my mind but no longer clouded with destructive addiction. What a grim reminder of where I used to be.
Re: Me by berdabear |
berdabear |
10-Apr-08/12:39 PM |
I found him! All he needs is me, and I am sooo all! This one has now been published several times and I am reminded each time I see it that dreams can become reality!
Re: People write funny things by Garrett S Sexton |
Garrett S Sexton |
12-Apr-08/10:26 AM |
Re: Breathless by misused |
forsaken |
20-Apr-08/10:50 AM |
Re: Reaper's Chain by Ladybama9425 |
daggatolar |
22-Apr-08/8:43 AM |
womanhood in starked nakedness !