Re: The PROJECT by Sigh'ense... |
nentwined |
5-Mar-09/10:24 PM |
Re: 2am and sober in the digital age by nentwined |
Bill Z Bub |
5-Mar-09/10:25 PM |
I have a feeling our email addy's will outlive us for longer that a moment. They may outlive the heat death of the universe.
Re: Taste Ghazni by eliastemplar |
nentwined |
5-Mar-09/10:26 PM |
insence -> incense
or rather, incense-like
hmm. better than I expected, from that; but still kind of plain. paint me more.
Re: Unwind Again by dclark |
nentwined |
5-Mar-09/10:26 PM |
Re: diamond embedded once before & always by A. Nomaly |
nentwined |
5-Mar-09/10:27 PM |
strange... good flow, but the context isn't quite there for me.
regarding some deleted poem... |
nentwined |
5-Mar-09/10:29 PM |
> I ignored you for a client
> that always spelt my name wrong.
overall: ouch.
well done?
Re: the invisible beauty by Prince of Void |
nentwined |
5-Mar-09/10:30 PM |
Re: Back to reality by Prince of Void |
nentwined |
5-Mar-09/10:31 PM |
the edge of the ocean is just another's hell. or heaven we'd all get kicked out of. but it's nice to imagine?
Re: Snorting the Cosmic Dust. by DreamerSupreme |
nentwined |
5-Mar-09/10:33 PM |
my eyes blurred. you hit a constant tone that turned the words to mush (maybe I need more coffee).
Re: To Poets Whose Writing is Fecal. by SupremeDreamer |
nentwined |
5-Mar-09/10:33 PM |
Re: To those that would teach poetry by INTRANSIT |
nentwined |
5-Mar-09/10:35 PM |
interesting piece.
regarding some deleted poem... |
nentwined |
5-Mar-09/10:37 PM |
ssssssssssssssssssssssssstrange, man.
Re: mission statement by malpaso |
nentwined |
5-Mar-09/10:39 PM |
two l's in ellipses.
the rest... eh. points for intent?
Re: Final Dates, part 1: through gates of smoke and salt by Bill Z Bub |
nentwined |
5-Mar-09/10:51 PM |
god damn dude.
yeah, that's personal. and eloquent. and evocative--I can feel it.
The odd thing is I feel like it hits too close to home to crit, but if I step back a bit, it's not my home.
So: if I were reading this @ GUD, I'd be thinking, wondering... this is really beautiful. But is there enough of a story, enough of an arc, enough "other" on top of the punch to the gut and its beauty? And I don't know, there. I'd let it sit and hope to get some response from others. And I think the response would tend to depend on who read it next.
regarding some deleted poem... |
nentwined |
5-Mar-09/10:54 PM |
you're making my brain hurt too much. dig the imagery, as well, but I don't entirely trust a coherence to seek for...
still, sure, a 7 on style, and hope.
Re: Behind Closed Doors by Spirit52 |
nentwined |
5-Mar-09/10:55 PM |
needs something more, I think.
Re: The time doesnât matter by Prince of Void |
nentwined |
5-Mar-09/10:58 PM |
I like the setting, but not the poem, and not where it ends. Still, I think you've got a seed here, if you can nurture it to grow (and I don't mean in length, so much).
Re: prove me wrong by nentwined |
Blindpoetry |
6-Mar-09/4:18 AM |
I liked the title, "Prove Me Wrong" lol
I'd love to prove you wrong. One of these days. I'll come back and be all like... well, we'll see. ;)
Actually: I've never had certainty much. And innocence to the world went gone after a few months ago. hm...
I like how it's a list. And every last line goes together. :)
Re: Final Dates, part 1: through gates of smoke and salt by Bill Z Bub |
Bill Z Bub |
6-Mar-09/5:41 AM |
...aaaaand I now regret posting this. Ah my old friend regret. Never seem able to get rid of you.
Re: Going to Michigan for the weekend by <~> |
Bill Z Bub |
6-Mar-09/5:58 AM |