Re: a comment on New Year by wilco |
13-Jan-07/11:24 AM |
not on you as MUCH as them, but I'm just as bad, don't worry. We wouldn't write poetry if we didn't think ours was divine.
Re: New Year by wilco |
13-Jan-07/10:18 AM |
I love that people are taking themselves so seriously. I haven't been commenting at all because I've just been using this site as an archive, but damn! Is there something going around running up peoples' asses or what? I absolutely love the sarcasm and the synthetic wit. I flaunt my vocabulary as much as the next person, but hey! Nobody talks like this. Good luck on all future ventures you guys, and I hope you'll find someone to give you that hug you so desperately need.
P.S. Best poem I've ever read. *5*
Re: soft candy by skaskowski |
25-Dec-06/10:49 AM |
I loved this before and it's still good revised.
Re: a comment on untitled by MacFrantic |
10-Dec-06/11:30 PM |
Re: a comment on untitled by MacFrantic |
10-Dec-06/11:30 PM |
Enkidu (65)
D. $ Fontera (63)
Deimos (2)
Re: a comment on untitled by MacFrantic |
10-Dec-06/6:21 PM |
By the way, I have 316 poems on this site...and counting.
Re: a comment on untitled by MacFrantic |
10-Dec-06/6:19 PM |
I'm really just using this site to archive. I read many of the poems, but I don't comment much any more, and I don't care too much if people comment on mine. I'm becoming a better poet through experiencing life, rather than spending all my time on the computer. Be well, and I thank you for the comment.
Re: The Beach by Evening |
30-Nov-06/12:41 PM |
This has some good imagery, but the punctuation was lazy and it sounds like it should be shorter.
Re: a comment on The Red Chain by MacFrantic |
18-Sep-06/10:39 AM |
I always sacrifice sense, and I never take mistakes out. Thanks.
Re: a comment on Deliberate Exclusion by MacFrantic |
5-Sep-06/12:39 PM |
Actually, I am indicating that the love is gone. The kiss is one-sided, and she just goes along with it, hence "illusions." I can see that the spark is gone, but she won't admit it. She still speaks lovingly, a lie. She is no longer a lover, but a friend.
The deliberate exclusion would be Love, but I won't try to change her.
Re: a comment on Pane Glass Lake by MacFrantic |
29-Aug-06/2:41 PM |
You are correct. Thank you.
Re: A Tragic Love Tryst In The Park Near The Sewage Works by Edna Sweetlove |
19-Aug-06/10:47 AM |
This is one of the funniest things i have ever read, and that a fantastic accomplishment. i can only give you a ten, but i wish i could give you more, if you know what i mean...
Re: Chickens by rnuk |
14-Aug-06/1:34 AM |
This is incredible, I absolutely adore it!
Re: Memories Of Home by Edna Sweetlove |
14-Aug-06/12:21 AM |
Re: Fragrant Love by Engelbert Humpalot |
14-Aug-06/12:20 AM |
Not one for actual storylines, but this was more than adequate...good one.
Re: Something More by drnick |
14-Aug-06/12:17 AM |
An inordinate amount of people spell lose loose and i don't know why...however, not bad.
Re: Sarah Hine's Cries by rahson_s |
14-Aug-06/12:16 AM |
Re: I Got the Romanian Flea-Bitten Blues by -=Dark_Angel=-, P.I. |
14-Aug-06/12:14 AM |
Wow, this is gorgeous, especially the 2nd half. Noice.
Re: The Consultation by Edna Sweetlove |
14-Aug-06/12:13 AM |
Poetically, outstanding. Morally, disturbing. 11
Re: flow-charts by FreeFormFixation |
12-Aug-06/1:00 AM |
Ha! "Flows" perfectly. A wonderful statement. Especially liked the last three lines. Kudos.