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20 most recent comments by OneFingerAnswer (101-120)

Re: Tunder by Bakar 10-Jul-02/9:36 PM
If that is a real "friend" of yours I hope he chokes you to death upon seeing this poem. The last stanza is racist crap. In case you couldn't tell I gave you the 0.
regarding some deleted poem... 16-Jul-02/1:01 AM
I wasn't asking for unlimited poems per week. That sounds absurd to me too. I just wanted to add one more actually. I guess my real problem was that I didn't see anything about the limit until I tried to put another one on. Maybe I missed it. I don't know.
Re: recent submissions by <~> 1-Aug-02/8:38 PM
lmao. That was great.
Re: -=Dark_Angel=- & The Canon Episcopi by Bachus 9-Aug-02/12:14 PM
Great poem. That's if you're in middle school and still enjoy bickering. I hope you two kiss and make up at some point.
Re: suicide by durk 9-Aug-02/12:18 PM
Point taken and sentiment shared. Parts of the poem just seem too much like prose though. Great message, decent poem.
Re: suicide by durk 9-Aug-02/12:20 PM
(My poem "Jeff" is about suicide too if you'd like to read and comment.)
regarding some deleted poem... 9-Aug-02/12:24 PM
One night stand?
regarding some deleted poem... 9-Aug-02/12:28 PM
Great images, fuzzy picture.
Re: Innsmouth by razorgrin 9-Aug-02/12:42 PM
Please comment about poems not people. (As a side note, if you are going to comment about others and make fun of their spelling please get a simple word like Canada right.)

Razorgrin I like the poem and I am familiar with the works of H.P. Lovecraft and Brian Lumley. The adventures of Titus Crow and the Cthulhu Mythos are great reads. Nice work.
regarding some deleted poem... 11-Aug-02/5:39 PM
Nice story line and well worded in some parts. Other parts seem to have weaker wording and I don't get the irregular capitalizations. 7
Re: Blinded by Your Kiss by ThoughtfulSoul 12-Aug-02/9:45 PM
I don't really see this as a lyrical poem but maybe I just missed the rhythm. Other than that I found it a nice poem.
Re: summer by itchiwitch 12-Aug-02/9:49 PM
Those last lines can be a pain in the ass.
Re: Winged Beauty by ThoughtfulSoul 12-Aug-02/10:03 PM
Poetandknowit sounds like a cranky arse to me. While I agree there are some poems that are not great here, yours deserves no such insults. It shows effort which is more than can be said for others.
regarding some deleted poem... 31-Aug-02/10:08 PM
It's nice but it's not poetry. I don't care what you call it. Just because prose is broken up into lines and stanzas that doesn't mean that it's a poem.
Re: untitled #2 by darby pyn 8-Sep-02/8:54 PM
Good job. (Check for typos though)
Re: the story of an arrogant butterfly by kawakurdi 12-Sep-02/12:06 AM
I happened to like it. Pay no attention to them.
Re: one childless girl by mallory180 22-Sep-02/2:06 PM
:( Reminds me of a friend of mine. (See "Whisper Under the Thunder") 10.
Re: For You by aperfecttool77 22-Sep-02/10:54 PM
[thumbsup] Good job. Glad you finally got in buddy.
Re: Hearts End by grrund 23-Sep-02/8:55 PM
I don't get it. It seems like you wanted to be morbid but then there's the Zoom, Varoom, and Booms. Even if you were going for contrast I think they spoiled the mood. If they were simply to signify the car then I still don't like them. Other than that I like but they ruined it just enough for me that the 8 falls to a 5.
Re: Twilight by grrund 23-Sep-02/8:58 PM
What is a wight?

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