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20 most recent comments by OneFingerAnswer (81-100)

regarding some deleted poem... 23-Sep-02/9:01 PM
Great! I love "the wings fashioned from old thrift-store aprons." Were not for the "and really tasty food" I would give it a 9. 8.
Re: Belongings by Christof 23-Sep-02/9:10 PM
Another hit.
Re: The Hand of God by Christof 23-Sep-02/9:18 PM
How is it that I some how missed your work until tonight?
Re: Hearts End by grrund 23-Sep-02/10:03 PM
Better. :) Not to be nit picky or any thing but I liked the stanzas. It made it easier to read. I just didn't like the onomatopoeia. Any way, nice work and it's your poem. No need to please me. :)
regarding some deleted poem... 23-Sep-02/10:06 PM
"the sadness of bees"? I was really liking it til "the sadness of bees" came out of no where.
Re: happy hour by Limness 23-Sep-02/10:25 PM
I like it. I'm not sure I totally follow how you got from scene to scene but I like it.
Re: making progress (a piece of it) by Limness 23-Sep-02/11:04 PM
If I'm reading it right then much like you this poem seems to have found that it stands better alone. Good job. 8.
regarding some deleted poem... 24-Nov-02/9:48 PM
Why the extra V?
Re: The Epitaph by vulcan 24-Nov-02/9:55 PM
With all those big words, I was going to ask "Did someone find a dictionary?" but then I noticed they aren't used right or even all spelled right. (Tuberculosis)
Re: Goodbye by Nicholas Jones 24-Nov-02/10:06 PM
Line 19, "and my keep my dreams within it"... is that supposed to read, "and keep my dreams within it" ?
Re: Sweet and Sour by debased 24-Nov-02/10:10 PM
Cliche but nice. 4.
Re: Fuck the system by which we live by Lucifer 13-Jan-03/1:53 PM
I guess I have no sense of humor cause I didn't find these forced rhymes and middle school jokes combined in a mess of bad poetry funny. Oh well. By the way if you're going to say fuck then just say it.
regarding some deleted poem... 27-Jan-03/7:02 PM
I tried to just leave it as a "Not for me" type of poem but with random insisting that I read it (I got it 8 times in a row and 10 of 12) I finally did and discovered how truely aweful this poem is.
Re: American Idol epiphany in haiku by Shardik 1-Feb-03/3:14 PM
Moses was in Egypt. lol Just kidding. I like it.
Re: Kaolin Fire is SHIT by poemwanker 1-Feb-03/3:16 PM
I never get people who go to a site just to complain that they don't like it. I'm thinking that if you don't like something you should avoid it.
Re: I Am a Snob, or, 'A Definition' by JakeBike 1-Feb-03/3:41 PM
I believe I'd rather read a hundred mind numbingly cliche poems about love than one peice of prose presented as a poem. Before you start defining what diffferent styles of poems are perhaps you should learn what a poem is in the general sense.
Re: NASA Fireworks by TheDevil 2-Feb-03/2:49 AM
You do know that you suck at this right?
regarding some deleted poem... 4-Feb-03/2:34 PM
Nice... but is the "He" of the second stanza the same as the "You" of the first and third? If not I don't understand what's going on and if so why the change from second person to third?

Other than that I loved it. 8 as is.
regarding some deleted poem... 11-Feb-03/6:38 PM
I love your poems and I'd love if you'd take a look at some of mine and tell me what you think. I'm sure you get this request often being as talented as you are but I'd trule appericiate it. Oh yeah... 9. (I don't give tens because a ten is perfection and the day someone writes a pefect poem is the day we all stop ecept maybe Dark Angel who seems to aim for imperfection.)
Re: time by keatsImnot 12-Feb-03/1:05 PM
Nice. I'm a sucker for symbolism even when it's not intended. I don't know what you were thinking but I see an old lady losing her beauty and her friends. Sad but good. 7.5 (rounded up since we don't have halfs)

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