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20 most recent comments by OneFingerAnswer (61-80)

Re: The Importance of Mr. Straughter by GregDeEgg 12-Feb-03/1:11 PM
Ahh yes... tell me does the fritter symoblize something more? Surely it must and I have the general idea but I wonder if you had a more specific idea.
regarding some deleted poem... 12-Feb-03/1:16 PM
YAY! There's nothing more to be said.
Re: Positivism and Behaviourism:They Suck by razorgrin 13-Feb-03/12:15 PM
Chased (2) + by (1)+ Pavlov's (2) + dog (1) = 6
regarding some deleted poem... 19-Feb-03/2:42 AM
First stanza Blind should = Blinded.

Why is this addressed to Virginians? I grew up in Northern Virginia and I have no idea what you're talking about.
Re: Eros, and Psycho by horus8 20-Feb-03/11:56 PM
While I still find your comments on other people's poems obnoxious I must admit that I enjoyed this one. I don't understand how someone voted it a zero unless you have really enraged someone that much with your comments. I do find that some of the people here are rather fickle. 7.
Re: Have You Ever Felt That? by NewbieMe 21-Feb-03/10:04 AM
Yes I have. A Summer living pretty much alone on a college campus will do that to you. On the other hand when everyone comes back in the Fall you appreciate the company that much more.
Re: Lamente el prostitute by <{Baba^Yaga}> 24-Feb-03/1:03 AM
It's good. He must be too if he can afford Grey Goose. 7.
regarding some deleted poem... 24-Feb-03/4:18 AM
I think it would be better with out the last two lines of the 2nd to last stanza ("Enough", I say,/nothing's easy.) I hate to second guess some one as good as you but those lines really seem awkward to me and added nothing I could see. I'm thinking maybe they were the giving up part but I think the final stanza shows that well enough on it's own. Other than that you have once again done most wonderfully.
regarding some deleted poem... 24-Feb-03/4:28 AM
"Just a feeble greying of the soul"

0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o! I'm in love with that line. Do you mind if I run off with it and get married?

I think you're right though. There seems to be something missing... I think what's bugging me is you go from the contrasts (debilities/patience, holocaust/sainthood) to the middle of the road things (not sunhine but not snow, grey) a little quickly. I'd love to read a rewrite even more than I liked this read though.
regarding some deleted poem... 25-Feb-03/9:38 AM
:( Bad story in a good poem. (Not a poorly told one, just one that happens all too often.)
Re: More from unlucky janitors by Bachus 26-Feb-03/12:00 AM
What buiding is this? I'd like to avoid Stan and his freindless colleague
regarding some deleted poem... 26-Feb-03/12:22 AM
Ooh. Naughty and yet nice. I like it. I'm not sure I agree with "prose" though. I often think of prose as boring and dry compared to poetry. It gets the idea across more clearly in most cases but the expression is less fun. Perhaps if the hads spoke in both poetry and prose or riddle and rhyme I'd like it a wee bit more. But as I said already, I like it. I like it a lot. 7.
Re: without a father by judea 26-Feb-03/12:29 AM
I'm not sure if it was intentional or not but the lack of punctuation and capitalization together with the rhyme scheme lend the poem a childish feel but the words and tense give it a clashing more adolescent feel. I think that a rewrite with words more appropriate for a child and with a present tense or punctuation and capitalization could help. If the lack of the two is just laziness then shame on you. A poet should know that every part of a work plays into how it is read.
regarding some deleted poem... 28-Feb-03/5:02 PM
Yes it is rude to plagerize but I rather like allusion. Wilde is a good choice for a companion but I think I'd call on Blake, Wordworth, and Burns. Perhaps little Emily too. (7.)
regarding some deleted poem... 28-Feb-03/11:31 PM
If you were another poet I'd just put I like it and be done but I know you enjoy critique so: I don't get the title. It seems like a fishing reference which I see no where else in the poem. I think "Come on go to sleep" would work better as "Go on, go to sleep." It just sounds more supportive instead of demanding. Maybe that's just me puting myself in the poem though. :/ Perhaps a little explaination of why asking would cause trouble would be nice. Or maybe "I just know that it would" if you want it to sound a little irrational.
regarding some deleted poem... 1-Mar-03/12:18 AM
Naughty girl. Good poet. There's not much I can say on this one.
Re: first kiss by lost in america 1-Mar-03/12:23 AM
I like it. Reminds me of myself not too long ago. Sweet. Innocent. Naive? Good luck. (6)
Re: sandbars by rompingcat 1-Mar-03/12:30 AM
Nice images with bad connections. The first stanza doesn't even seem to belong there.
regarding some deleted poem... 1-Mar-03/12:39 AM
2nd stanza: 5th line - Get rid of the fire spitting demons. They don't really fit.

3rd stanza: 5th line- I think you meant "stomp"

5th stanza: 2nd line- "Is the place to where I can never return"? I just think it flows better.
Lines 5 & 6 - you switch tense on us. Was (in 6) should be will be or comes (in 5) should be came.

Feel free to ignore my suggestions if you want just keep treating me to these great works. (8.)
regarding some deleted poem... 1-Mar-03/12:55 AM
Exelent description. 7. No 8. You've earned it.

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