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20 most recent comments by OneFingerAnswer (121-140)

Re: A Sonnet for Barbara by PatColvin 9-Jul-02/7:28 PM
I like it. Good job and I hope you two are happy.
regarding some deleted poem... 9-Jul-02/8:05 PM
I like it but I find it a bit depressing. It's like saying things suck now but soon they'll be great. I can't help but imagine you talking to a sick child as you say these things.
regarding some deleted poem... 9-Jul-02/8:08 PM
Family problems?
Re: AIDS in a van by -=Dark_Angel=-, P.I. 9-Jul-02/8:12 PM
Ok that one isn't even funny.
Re: AIDS in a Glass by -=Dark_Angel=-, P.I. 9-Jul-02/8:14 PM
Ugh. Why is AIDS funny to you?
regarding some deleted poem... 9-Jul-02/8:25 PM
I like this one a lot.
Re: To the Sea by timfowler 9-Jul-02/8:41 PM
As you already know, Dark Angel is an idiot. Good job.
Re: Midnight Madness by Redfin 9-Jul-02/11:55 PM
I like it. Nice description. I tkind of describes how I feel after I've been up too long (although that's usually 9 or 10 AM instead of midnight.) Good work.
Re: Dear Dad by liquidlama 9-Jul-02/11:59 PM
Good use of words but WOW. I hope you guys can get things together.
regarding some deleted poem... 10-Jul-02/12:00 AM
lol I usually like poems I understand but that was funny as hell.
Re: Impermanence by Corey McHattan 10-Jul-02/12:03 AM
"A headstone cold, and flowers bright,
Both decaying..."

That's actually something I've noticed before. I think you wrote a good poem here.

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