Re: Why You All Suck by ?-Dave_Mysterious-? |
22-Dec-20/5:57 PM |
Re: Queen Of The Ring by baphomet |
22-Dec-20/5:25 PM |
Annoying you are using Hsiwej = Jewish backwards
Also, so many spelling errors get annoying to read
Re: you turned me evil by baphomet |
22-Dec-20/5:09 PM |
Re: Sold by Jeremi B. Handrinos |
22-Dec-20/5:08 PM |
Re: The benefit of being realistic by Jeremi B. Handrinos |
22-Dec-20/5:07 PM |
Re: Arm 'n' headin (Mr.Mexicacco) by suprembeaner |
22-Dec-20/5:06 PM |
Re: There was . . . by baphomet |
22-Dec-20/5:05 PM |
(stampede of cattle, not stamped of cattle)
Cannot conceive of how a wave "suede"s- swayed? What?
Oversized- one word- aftertaste, one word. Do your proofreading before submitting. " a cornucopia" not an cornucopia. "What we'll do tomorrow? Not "What will do". Too many errors detracted from enjoying the poem.
Re: A "sirius"makeover by The_Third_Isis |
22-Dec-20/5:00 PM |
Annoyed by so many misspellings. If they were deliberate, they were not useful. Some interesting ideas, imagery
Re: Days of Silence (197-392) by impert&ent |
22-Dec-20/4:58 PM |
Reads like headlines but it gripped me all the way through. Love how "Tom" lines and "Mary" are interspersed here and there. You would not think such a poem would work but I think it does! Enjoyed this! Remembered reading some of engaged my thought, had some humor, did make me think! Enjoyable.
Re: Ghost by Jeremi B. Handrinos |
22-Dec-20/4:50 PM |
Some beautiful lines, good ending, like how you carry the idea throughout the poem, the speaker believing the person who killed herself is so much better than he is, right to a very bitter end.....
Re: Rock of the Earth by ingwa |
22-Dec-20/4:46 PM |
Some good lines, I like the idea captured.
No comma after "Hunts gone by" I think-
some clunky lines: "experiences, good and bad"-
some very good lines: "sing to my soul of ages gone by" and "Ageless you stand, tall and proud/ Lichen grows upon your surfaces"; uneven rhyme scheme does not help (1st and 4th lines in first stanza, 3rd and 4th lines in 3rd stanza, no rhyme in last stanza.
Re: Rock of the Earth by ingwa |
22-Dec-20/4:46 PM |
Some good lines, I like the idea captured.
No comma after "Hunts gone by" I think-
some clunky lines: "experiences, good and bad"-
some very good lines: "sing to my soul of ages gone by" and "Ageless you stand, tall and proud/ Lichen grows upon your surfaces"; uneven rhyme scheme does not help (1st and 4th lines in first stanza, 3rd and 4th lines in 3rd stanza, no rhyme in last stanza.
Re: A FERAL PHASE FOR THE POET by daggatolar |
22-Dec-20/4:39 PM |
The word I think is perpetuity, not perpetuality-- if trying to coin a new word, unnecessary, annoying-
some good lines-
Re: Prepropositioned pudding by Jeremi B. Handrinos |
22-Dec-20/4:35 PM |
Re: Horror Film by Jeremi B. Handrinos |
22-Dec-20/4:35 PM |
Well written, sadness staining every line...
Re: Beah Richards by Jeremi B. Handrinos |
22-Dec-20/4:34 PM |
Re: Devilution by Jeremi B. Handrinos |
22-Dec-20/4:33 PM |
Cutesy. Villanelles are not easy...
Re: Weened by Jeremi B. Handrinos |
22-Dec-20/4:32 PM |
Some good lines, a TON of anger...
Re: The Song I Miss by Miggy |
21-Dec-20/6:44 PM |
One line sticks out as not fitting the song, I think:
disliked "Yet since this rotted bad"--Liked all the rest!
Re: Divorcing Tennessee by Dovina |
21-Dec-20/6:41 PM |
well written, great imagery