Re: The Last Stop by Quiet-Ralph |
15-Sep-03/4:00 PM |
"with every raising of the sun
A new ray of hope was given" sounds too trite, too cliched.
I like the equating of getting on and off a bus with life in general, final last stop being death- should work on this poem more, neat idea here.
Re: levered 'n loved by A. Nomaly |
15-Sep-03/4:04 PM |
Felt it was a good beginning, makes one point but not enough there to really grab me and keep my interest
Re: Broken Child by Artemis745 |
15-Sep-03/4:14 PM |
This has some very nice imagery, some nice lines- but it is not all that clear a poem- interesting you divide one word -overlooking- into 2 words- I do see 2 errors in grammar-
I assume ghost should be plural (ghosts) and adults needs an apostrophe at the end of it: adults' game.
The first phrase is a bit offputting- using "but" there sounds pretentious. "I AM a broken child" is more direct and hardhitting, I think. Explaining why it is a sea of "great minds" would be good- otherwise,it is very unclear. However, there is potential here, worth working on more.
Re: Breathe by Artemis745 |
15-Sep-03/4:17 PM |
Nice image, enjoyed this!
I like that you picked one immage and developed it with CONSISTENCY.
Re: Blood by Artemis745 |
15-Sep-03/4:21 PM |
Didn't get the allusion to "thy sight" - and blood dripping down and then going "up" to heaven I found confusing- The first part- ending at the line "out stepping intangible boundaries" does not mesh well with rest of poem. Seem like 2 separate parts that do not go together well.
regarding some deleted poem... |
2-Dec-03/2:38 PM |
regarding some deleted poem... |
2-Dec-03/2:39 PM |
Some very memorable lines,
good poem.
Strong ending.
regarding some deleted poem... |
2-Dec-03/2:42 PM |
Strikes me as pretentious in part-
Not clear about the meaning of many of the lines.
regarding some deleted poem... |
2-Dec-03/2:44 PM |
Dealing with a heavy subject, but
in a very silly way.
regarding some deleted poem... |
2-Dec-03/2:47 PM |
Re: They who would have me forget by BleedingRose |
2-Dec-03/2:48 PM |
The real feeling comes through.
It comes across as a bit trite, but still
regarding some deleted poem... |
2-Dec-03/2:51 PM |
Interesting use of the platitude about if enough monkeys were to type long enough, sooner or later one would write Shakespeare.
regarding some deleted poem... |
2-Dec-03/2:54 PM |
Re: thoughts and feelings (draft) by crwncka1 |
2-Dec-03/2:58 PM |
A bit too dogmatic for my taste,
but I give you points for staying on track with
your theme throughout the whole poem.
Re: ritual of now intensified by nentwined |
15-Jan-07/7:04 PM |
Re: selfhood, through extrospection by nentwined |
15-Jan-07/7:10 PM |
And so you are! Kaolin Fire!
Re: The Sleep Fantastic by nentwined |
15-Jan-07/7:23 PM |
Very sing-song.
I hear the last verse as a loud chorus sung over and over!
Re: innocent voyeur by nentwined |
15-Jan-07/7:36 PM |
Re: do androids dream? by nentwined |
15-Jan-07/7:37 PM |
Re: clay or mud (hertz donut version) by nentwined |
15-Jan-07/7:38 PM |