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20 most recent comments by INTRANSIT (21-40) and replies

Re: Milk and gas by Caducus 23-Dec-07/11:03 AM
I wouldn't have gotten that but that's my ignorance about Plath.
Re: Happy Birthday by jessicazee 23-Dec-07/11:00 AM
I don't know what you're doing. I just know it's working.
Re: Sight Reading by Christof 23-Dec-07/10:53 AM
If I could find fault with this, I'd be a professor.

That's a compliment, Sir.
Re: Addendum to Engine Braking BY INTRANSIT by sliver 23-Dec-07/10:45 AM
Been busy lately, couldn't get round to the ranker.

Obviously not the way I was going, (though I did miss my mark ) there's potential here.

Drop- Then the, as the, hot brakes, until, a sign, fuck it.

condense the jake line and the following line. Make jake a capital OR a corporation.
Re: Before Dawn by Christof 27-Nov-07/9:33 AM
Klaxon. Great word. Could you say- boy or girl in roiling- ? Or is this a specific person. You?
Re: a comment on Missing - You by Skamper 27-Nov-07/7:40 AM
allow me to continue being nitty. -and- closing of the door?
I'm only trying to find ways to improve this- if that is even possible. I think it pretty much does what it's supposed to.
Re: Missing - You by Skamper 26-Nov-07/6:17 PM
Line 9. sectet? couldn't find it.
Re: In the berth by INTRANSIT 25-Nov-07/11:25 AM
In another edit I've condensed the opener into two lines, and the closer into two lines. Also contemplating replacing -cat- with -engine.
Re: Stringed by thetrev 23-Nov-07/12:58 PM
Bizarrly good.
Re: The Dung Beetles by Pappa 23-Nov-07/12:57 PM
Ok. So I'm making a connection between dung beetles and humans, but not much else. What is the technical description of an Englyn? Welcome to Das 'Ranker!
Re: a comment on AKA Poets by Skamper 23-Nov-07/12:48 PM
Wow. Thanks for the intro. The man that covers his mouth as if he'd just vomited words- ace. Heard of Ted Kooser?
Re: a comment on Heroes to the End by sliver 22-Nov-07/6:49 PM

Try that.
Re: a comment on Heroes to the End by sliver 22-Nov-07/6:46 PM
It's Then click on Highlights (left column)Then click "poets forum" in the article beginning.

The video is: Robert Hass on the Gift Economy.

I'll try to find a direct link.
Re: What ever happend to Kelly Green? by titan69 22-Nov-07/12:47 PM
True story or not, put your back into it, man. This is an easy 9. But not yet.
Re: Death and the black dog by Caducus 22-Nov-07/12:45 PM
I sense expectation of death in the first two stanzas. Um, I'm not going to comment just yet. I think there's more you want to say. Let it ferment, C.
Re: Heroes to the End by sliver 22-Nov-07/12:41 PM
Technically, L-11 each day with loss

L-12 -that's hard to justify.

Otherwise, Amen
Re: a comment on Bottle collection by INTRANSIT 22-Nov-07/12:36 PM
I don't know, Paul. Others come and go. But hey, you're here too!

Anyway, thanks and Happy T-day if you're into that.
Re: a comment on AKA Poets by Skamper 21-Nov-07/6:35 AM
No. I tend to shy away from calling myself that. Essentially, I'm practicing poetry. It's something that keeps my thoughts from getting too soaked from the mundane. Some say we shouldn't compare. I do. I look at what I've written, try to find things to correct, post, revise, and when it seems I'm getting high marks, I look at the many pots on my bookshelf and ask myself if what I've written would stand up to their scrutiny. Usually the answer is no. The upside is, this method usurps 'Mage. Heh.

Who are you reading currently? What is their country of origin?
I'm trying out Hart Crane. Way over my head. But 3 years ago, So was O'hara. I think I can read him now.

Re: Sisters of mercy by titan69 21-Nov-07/6:22 AM
your stile? that much is right.
Re: A Cyclamatic Word of Advice by Skamper 21-Nov-07/6:18 AM
This reminds me of one I wrote where a woman gives back an engagement ring. And his rib.

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