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Suggestions: (227 open)

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Displaying suggestions 111 - 120 of 227

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nentwined Last Post: 11-Oct-04/11:53 AM
I'm starting to think the 1 poem every two days is a little too restrictive. Other opinions? I tend to write in bursts, so I'm posting to poemranker less often myself because of this rule. Maybe this would be a case where implementing a submissions "q[...]

zodiac Last Post: 25-Sep-04/11:26 AM
I guess I'm leaving today. Would you consider making it some sort of official poemranker holiday?

==Doylum Last Post: 12-Sep-04/7:13 AM
Can i suggest that the complain about this poem feature is long overdue. It has been - not currently implemented, sorry - for asslong ass i've known. Why is it still here? There are plenty of times i've wanted to register a complaint about a poem but the p[...]

cpill Last Post: 20-Aug-04/12:25 PM
Hey the site is going well. I think you should focus on getting the community buzzing a bit more. They seem to like to interact as the comments to poems suggests. I'd like to see two things: 1. A way of tracking a particular poet i.e. send an email when t[...]

anonymous Last Post: 13-Aug-04/10:43 AM
can you add a new category, 'jackass poems' ?

Dovina Last Post: 6-Aug-04/5:48 AM
How about a User's Manual or "Hints for New Users" It might get some of us off to an easier start. Could include things like: 1) On the comments page, click on the "Include Comments to Comments" to get the whole scoop. I'd prefer that it came up this [...]

Shuushin Last Post: 20-Jul-04/10:33 AM
How about a post bot? One poem in Que that will post at a certain time/date. Just one poem.

Stephen Robins Last Post: 14-Jul-04/9:30 PM
If I have raised this issue once I raised it at least four times - why can authors delete comments on their own poems? Surely this is counter-productive, sensitive souls like Antagon/Shin Shuu/Shuushin delete anything which in any way lays criticism on the[...]

wFraser Allonby Q.C.w Last Post: 7-Jul-04/7:34 AM
At least fifteen times during the working day, I visit the following two pages: [...]

Shuushin Last Post: 6-Jul-04/7:16 PM
How about at every anniversary date the user gets an extra posting? Or something. Maybe they get a gold "pip" on their name? Or something. Like Brittanyy would get an extra one today. I dunno, just blue-skying.

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An internet tradition since June 9, 2001